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Imran Khan's party loses seats it won to Nawaz Sharif's coalition after recount

Imran Khan's party loses seats it won to Nawaz Sharif's coalition after recount


Islamabad [Pakistan]March 24 (ANI): In a dramatic turn of events after the February 8 general elections, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-backed independents lost their victorious seats to the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz ( PML-N) following the recount of votes in several constituencies, The Express Tribune reported.

Even though the PTI-backed independent candidates achieved a historic feat of securing the highest number of seats in the National Assembly in the February 8 general elections, despite the setback of losing their iconic symbol, the bat , the party's series of defeats persists.

This was evident as they first lost reserved seats and then conceded several more seats to their opponents during the recount process.

In a recent turn of results, former Minister of State for Interior Abdul Rehman Kanju, who was defeated by PTI-backed independent candidate Rana Faraz Noon, stunned Noon with his victory in the recount. NA-154 (Lodhran).

Initially, Noon won by a margin of 6,499 votes. The recount, however, made PML-N's Kanju a winner with a lead of 7,301 votes. Noon had received 134,937 votes, which has now fallen to 120,683, compared to Kanju's 128,438 votes after the recount – leaving one wondering what really happened during the first count.

Subsequently, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) issued Kanju's victory notification and withdrew the one that declared Noon as the re-elected candidate. In other cases, it was reported that PML-N's Azhar Qayyum Nahra was declared the winner after narrating the story in NA-81, Gujranwala, The Express Tribune reported.

Nahra's opponent, Bilal Ijaz, an independent candidate supported by the PTI, obtained 117,717 votes, winning by 7,000 votes ahead of Nahra. The recount, however, turned Ijaz's victory into a defeat as Nahra got 110,057 votes to Ijaz's 106,860 votes and won by 3,197 in the recount.

Besides, PMLN's Khan Bahadar from Jaranwala PP-100 constituency recently defeated PTI-backed candidate Chaudhry Umair Wasi Zafar. At Bahadur's request, the ECP ordered a recount. The results flipped the equation, suggesting that PML-N’s resurrection is in full swing in the storytelling process.

Since the general elections, the PTI leadership has continued to claim that its mandate was stolen and to express reservations over the poll results, but to no avail. After losing a large part of the seats reserved for NA, the PTI is now losing the seats that its independent candidates had won one after the other in the second round of counting.

According to The Express Tribune, the second count of the poll results is proving disastrous for the PTI as predicted by one of its leaders, Asad Qaiser, a few days ago. Qaiser, while speaking to a private news channel, claimed that the ECP planned to reduce 20 more seats for the PTI in the recount process.

The PTI leader had said that the ECP does not order to tell when the courts are functioning. However, he regretted, the ECP continues to order a recount in different constituencies and the finalists emerge victorious from the recount.

Qaiser also claimed that PTI-backed candidates were even prevented from entering the building where the counting was taking place, lamenting that the country had been transformed into a “banana republic”.

Under Rule 143 (Case Management) of the ECP Rules, 2017, the Election Tribunal may, with the consent of the parties, fix a timetable for the trial and disposal of the petition within one hundred and four -twenty days from the date of filing the request. motion until the announcement of the final judgment in the case.

At the current rate, some political experts speculate that the PTI-backed candidate, which had merged with the Suni Ittehad Council to claim reserve seats, could end up becoming the third largest party in NA; behind the PPP, which occupied third place after the polls. (ANI)




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