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Stalin harshly attacks PM Modi for his failure to implement his election promises

Stalin harshly attacks PM Modi for his failure to implement his election promises


Chief Minister M K Stalin addressed a public meeting near Srivilliputtur in Virudhunagar district on Wednesday.

Chief Minister M K Stalin addressed a public meeting near Srivilliputtur in Virudhunagar district on Wednesday. | Photo credit: G. MOORTHY

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and DMK president MP Stalin on Wednesday slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his failure to fulfill his election promises and said the election deposit scheme was Himalayan corruption, the biggest scam not only in India but also in the world.

Addressing a public meeting near here to seek votes for INDIAN bloc candidates B. Manickam Tagore (Virudhunagar) and Rani Shrikumar (Tenkasi), Mr. Stalin cited the statement made by Parakala Prabhakar, husband of the minister of Union Finance Nirmala Sitharaman. Mr. Prabhakar had said in an interview that the electoral bond system was the biggest scam in the world. The BJP, embroiled in unprecedented corruption, was using central agencies such as the Enforcement Directorate, Income Tax Department and the Central Bureau of Investigation to cover up the matter. By making autonomous institutions its political partners, the BJP government had sowed doubt about the management of the country in accordance with the Constitution.

Quoting The Hindu's editorial, he said the BJP had raked in several crores of rupees by misusing raids carried out by central agencies. He wonders if the BJP has done anything beneficial for the country.

A threat to the majority

Mr. Stalin said the reservation policy, introduced by the Justice Party, took shape through the first constitutional amendment, thanks to the efforts of the Dravidian movement and Dr BR Ambedkar. However, the BJP poses the biggest threat to social justice and reservation. The BJP government has failed to provide the reservation recommended by the Mandal Commission. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi pointed out that only 3 per cent of central government secretary posts are held by people belonging to backward classes and a lesser number of people belonging to scheduled castes. Is this not a great injustice done to the majority of people belonging to BCs and SCs, he asked.

The BJP was trying to prevent the oppressed classes from moving up the social ladder by introducing the Kula Kalvi scheme and reserving for the economically weaker sections and destroying the dreams of the poor and middle class through NEET. The BJP will never accept the arrival of BCs, SC/STs and MBCs in life, he said. The INDIA bloc therefore demanded a caste-based census, but the BJP rejected it. That is why we say that the BJP is not only against minorities but also against the majority, he added.

The Centre, which said it was not behind the increase in prices of fuel and gas cylinders in the past, took credit for reducing them before the elections. After increasing the price of bottles from 410 to 1,103 in 10 years, the BJP thought that the people would not understand this tragedy. Even after failing to deliver on its promises, the BJP was coming up with an advertisement guaranteeing Modis' guarantee. But his electoral promises will have no guarantee, he added.




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