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Trump hawks Bibles but has checkered history with the good book | national news

Trump hawks Bibles but has checkered history with the good book |  national news


Former President Donald Trump can now add Bible Salesman to his resume, after filming what amounts to an infomercial for a $59.99 version of the Good Book.

“Religion and Christianity are the biggest things this country is missing,” Trump said in a video posted this week on his Truth Social account. And I truly believe that we need to bring them back, and we need to bring them back quickly.

I think that's one of our biggest problems, he said, adding that he owns many Bibles and that the Bible is his favorite book.

The King James Version of the Bible touted by Trump also includes in its pages copies of the chorus of Lee Greenwood's song God Bless The USA, the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the oath of allegiance. Greenwood's song is said to have inspired the project.

The website selling the Bible states that it is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign. It is also not owned, managed or controlled by Trump or his companies, it says, although it uses his name, image and likeness under a paid license from CIC Ventures LLC. Trump has previously been listed as director, president, secretary and treasurer of CIC Ventures, notes the Washington Post, while the New York Times reports that Trump receives royalties from Bible purchases.

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The entrepreneurial effort comes as Trump's legal bills pile up to dizzying levels. The former president and presumptive GOP presidential nominee faces 88 criminal charges across four indictments, and earlier this month posted a nearly $92 million bond tied to the verdict in a jury found he defamed writer E. Jean Carroll.

On Monday, Trump received a reprieve of sorts when a New York appeals court ruled he could post bail far lower than the more than $460 million that was owed in a civil judgment for fraud against him. However, it still has a short window to invest $175 million.

This is far from Trump's first foray into hawking merchandise, which recently included $399 gold high-top sneakers that sold out shortly after their launch last month, as well as bottles of perfume and of “Victory47” cologne for $99.

Last year, Trump monetized his photo after being indicted for election interference in Georgia, and his campaign website currently offers coffee mugs and T-shirts bearing the image for purchase. Supporters were also able to purchase digital trading cards featuring Trump and a piece of the blue suit he wore in the now-famous photo.

Yet Trump's choice to sponsor a Bible during Easter week and ahead of the 2024 presidential election will likely be seen by many as the latest in a series of opportunistic moves aimed at catering to the needs of a crucial voting bloc.

Republicans have long counted on the support of evangelical Christians at the polls, and next November they will again be asked to support a candidate with an unsaintly past. In addition to and among the criminal charges he faces, the thrice-married Trump has bragged about sexual assault, was found liable by a jury for sexual abuse and is accused of paying hush money to a porn star to hide an extramarital affair, among other things. things that do not correspond to Christian values.

At the same time, his background relating to the Bible and the tenets of the Christian faith in recent years has highlighted a lack of familiarity with the basics of a religion he claims to:

In a speech at Liberty University in 2016, Trump cited a biblical reference as Two Corinthians instead of Second Corinthians. When asked what his favorite Bible verse was in 2015, Trump replied, “I wouldn't want to get into that topic because for me it's very personal.” You know, when I talk about the Bible, it's very personal, so I don't want to talk about it. “Get into the verses. The Bible means a lot to me, but I don't want to go into detail. A year later, Trump indicated that one of his favorite Bible verses involved the concept of an eye for an eye, saying that the United States had to be firm and very strong in the face of what is happening to our country. Notably, the expression is rooted in Old Testament passages related to justice, while Jesus Christ in the New Testament opposes the concept to the command to turn the other cheek when hit. Also in 2015, Trump said he did not believe he had ever asked God for forgiveness, but referred to communion: When I drink my little wine, which is pretty much the only wine I drink, and take my little cracker, I guess it's a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do it as often as possible because I purified sense,” he said. “I think in terms of, let's go ahead and make things right.

At the White House in 2020, Trump was also photographed holding a Bible aloft in front of a church as police cleared a nearby racial justice protest, although a federal investigation found that the photo op did not had not influenced the decision to expel the demonstrators.

About three-quarters of white evangelicals supported him in the 2020 election, and in the Iowa caucuses this year, more than half of white or born-again evangelical Christians chose Trump despite several other options.




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