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Trump says states should decide their own abortion laws, but refuses to endorse national ban

Trump says states should decide their own abortion laws, but refuses to endorse national ban


NEW YORK (AP) Former President Donald Trump said he believes abortion should be left to the states in a video released Monday morning outlining his position after months of mixed messages and speculation.

A lot of people have asked me what my position is on abortion and abortion rights,” Trump said in the video posted on his Truth Social website. My view is that now we have abortion where everyone wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine it by vote or legislation, or maybe both. And whatever they decide, it has to be the law of the land in this case, the law of the state.

READ MORE: Here's what you need to know about the latest court decisions, data and legislation on abortion in the United States

Trump, in the video, did not specify at what point in pregnancy he believed abortion should be banned, refusing to endorse a national threshold that would have been used as a cudgel by Democrats ahead of the November election. But Trump's endorsement of the patchwork approach leaves him open to adhering to the strictest legislation proposed by the state, something President Joe Biden and his re-election campaign have already worked to do.

In the video, Trump again took credit for the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to end Roe v. Wade, saying he was proud to be the person responsible for ending the constitutional right to abortion and thanking the conservative judges who overturned it by name.

While again expressing support for three exceptions in cases of rape, incest and when the mother's life is in danger, he went on to describe the current legal landscape, in which different states have different restrictions following of the Dobbs v. Jackson Womens. Health Organization decision of June 24, 2022, which overturned the Roe v. Wade from 1973.

Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks or some will be more conservative than others and that’s what they will be,” he said. Ultimately, it all depends on the will of the people.

The announcement drew immediate condemnation from SBA Pro-Life America, one of the nation's largest groups opposed to abortion rights.

We are deeply disappointed by President Trump's position, the group's president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, said in a statement. The unborn and their mothers deserve national protections and national advocacy against the brutality of the abortion industry. The Dobbs decision clearly allows states and Congress to act.

Biden's campaign said Trump approved every state abortion ban, including banning abortion without exception.

And he boasts about his role in creating this hellscape, campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa told X.

Trump suggested in a radio interview last month that he favored a national ban on abortion around 15 weeks of pregnancy, at the start of the second trimester.

On the number of weeks now, people agree on 15. And I think in terms of that, he said on WABC radio. And it will result in something very reasonable. But people are really, even the most radical agree, it seems like 15 weeks seems to be a number that people agree on.

READ MORE: Republican state lawmakers refuse to revisit abortion bans, but some say they will offer more clarity on the rules

At the same time, Trump appeared reluctant to enact a federal ban.

Everyone agrees: you've heard this for years, all the lawyers on both sides agree: it's a state issue. This shouldn't be a federal issue, it's a state issue, he said.

Republican-led states ushered in a wave of new restrictions after the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022. More than a dozen GOP-controlled states have banned abortion outright, while others have banned the procedure in increasingly short order.

Other reproductive-related procedures have faced restrictions, including in vitro fertilization, which quickly became a campaign talking point after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled this year that frozen embryos could be considered children under state law. Trump has said he strongly supports the availability of IVF. Alabama lawmakers and Republican Gov. Kay Ivey have agreed to protect IVF providers from legal liability.

Democrats believe the fight for abortion rights helps them in elections and have since exceeded expectations in elections. Voters in seven states sided with abortion rights supporters on ballot measures, and abortion is expected to appear on the ballot in more states this year, including Florida, Maryland and At New York.

Trump has long argued that the Supreme Court's decision overturning Roe gave those who oppose abortion rights enormous negotiating power. He said he wanted to use that leverage to strike a deal that he hoped would make both sides happy and bring the country together, even though the issue is one of the most controversial in American politics, with some opponents considering abortion murder and its supporters considering it. as a fundamental right of women.

Trump attempted to thread the needle on abortion throughout the campaign. He regularly takes credit for naming the Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade, “what he called a moral and unconstitutional atrocity,” and described himself as the most pro-life president in American history.

But he also repeatedly criticized his Republican colleagues for taking too hard a line on the issue, accusing the candidates of failing to provide exceptions in cases of rape, incest and when the pregnant person's life is in jeopardy. danger, which led to losses for the party in November.

Many pro-life politicians don't know how to approach this topic and lose their elections. We suffered many electoral defeats because of this, because they didn't know it needed to be discussed. They had no idea, he said at the Concerned Women of America 2023 Leadership Summit.

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In the video, Trump told Republicans they should “follow your heart on this issue.” But remember, you must also win the election to restore our culture and, in fact, to save our country, which is currently and unfortunately a nation in decline.

Instead, he tried to portray Democrats as those who are extreme on the issue.

We must not forget that Democrats are the most radical on this position, he said in the video.

The Democrats and Biden's campaign, meanwhile, highlighted the issue by striving to draw a contrast with Trump.

Polls have consistently shown that most Americans believe abortion should be legal until the early stages of pregnancy. About half of U.S. adults said abortions should be allowed after 15 weeks, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll conducted last June.

Data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that the vast majority of abortions from 2012 to 2021 were performed during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy.

The Roe v. decision Wade's 1973 Supreme Court established the constitutional right to abortion up to the time of viability, around 23 or 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Abortions later in pregnancy are rare and are often performed due to serious fetal abnormalities, when the mother's life is in danger or when women have faced significant delays in accessing the procedure, according to the firm. KFF health policy research.

Associated Press writers Michelle L. Price and Meg Kinnard contributed to this report.




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