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Sunak welcomes Kagame to 10th as Rwanda project faces new hurdles | Immigration and asylum

Sunak welcomes Kagame to 10th as Rwanda project faces new hurdles |  Immigration and asylum


Rishi Sunak welcomed the Rwandan president to Downing Street as ministers struggle to find an airline or accommodation in Kigali to carry out their flagship deportation plan.

Tuesday's meeting was overshadowed by criticism from former interior minister Suella Braverman over dashed expectations for the policy, which aims to forcibly send asylum seekers 4,000 miles to Africa central.

The two leaders discussed the 500m plan before Sunak's Rwanda Security Bill returned to the Commons on Monday, exactly two years later. Boris Johnson announced its intention to expel tens of thousands of people arriving across the Channel on small boats. So far, none have been sent.

Sources close to the government said Sunak and Paul Kagame remained confident the bill would be passed by the end of April after another round of parliamentary ping-pong between the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and that flights would take off in the spring.

But they remain tight-lipped about whether they have found an airline to transport the asylum seekers on a one-way trip. One airline, AirTanker, refused to confirm or deny allegations that it had been in talks with the Interior Ministry over Rwandan flights.

In June 2022, the company said in discussions with the charity Freedom From Torture that it had no plans to operate flights to Rwanda. AirTanker has been contacted for comment.

Reports also claimed that properties in Kigali earmarked for the stalled eviction project were allegedly sold to local buyers. The Times says 70% of the 163 properties in the Rwandan capital have now been purchased, meaning there is only room for a few dozen asylum seekers.

Journalists asked Kagame as he entered number 10 if the units were being sold, but he did not respond. A Downing Street spokesperson said the two men discussed the pioneering partnership between the UK and Rwanda on migration and economic development.

Both leaders were looking forward to flights departing for Rwanda in the spring, the spokesperson added.

Braverman said the government's asylum plan was failing, adding: I am disappointed to read that expectations have diminished and Rwandans are now selling some of these properties.

The only way to generate a deterrent to stop people boarding boats and coming to the UK illegally is to fly regularly, with hundreds of passengers from these flights being sent to Rwanda regularly, she said. declared on LBC radio.

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I fear that the plan, as it stands today, will not achieve this.

The Rwandan government has disputed the number of properties sold privately and insisted it was just another project aimed at migrants.

According to the latest Interior Ministry figures, 82 people were detected crossing the Channel in small boats on Monday, bringing the total this year to 5,517.




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