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What Donald Trump wants in a vice presidential candidate and who he's considering

What Donald Trump wants in a vice presidential candidate and who he's considering


Donald Trump's perfect vice president looks the part: attractive and telegenic. They are ideally black or female, although this is not required. And they are certainly no bigger than Trump himself.

Trump wants someone he sees in person but doesn't see much, his advisers say. He does not necessarily want a successor at the head of the MAGA movement; he would prefer the Republican Party to fight for his support in four years, one adviser said. He wants a No. 2 who has won in the past. And he wants someone who will never contradict his false claims about the outcome of the 2020 election.

But more than anything, he wants someone who can help him win.

At least a dozen people are being considered for the position, a senior Trump adviser told the Washington Post. That list is growing instead of shrinking, and Trump continues to add names, said the adviser, who like others interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to detail private conversations.

Who comes in and out depends on the day. Trump focused some conversations on JD Vance, four people close to the campaign say. Trump allies also discussed Republican administrations. Doug Burgum of North Dakota, Kristi L. Noem of South Dakota and Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas; Senators Katie Boyd Britt (R-Ala.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), whom several allies were quick to note, resemble Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Tim Scott (RS.C. ) ; Reps. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) and Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.); and Kari Lake, a MAGA star who lost the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial race.

Trump even threw out Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s name to guests on the Mar-a-Lago patio, although his advisers criticized the idea. He may yet choose a newcomer to politics, perhaps someone from the business world.

He certainly won't choose Mike Pence.

But Trump is far from making up his mind and does not seem in a hurry to do so, according to five people close to him. He watches television and judges potential candidates carefully, not only what they say, but also their body language and whether they appear confident and convincing.

Where is my Cary Grant? Trump asks repeatedly.

He met with vice presidential candidates at Mar-a-Lago and pitted them against each other. After speaking Saturday night with some of the nation's wealthiest Republican donors, Trump surprised his guests by introducing Burgum, Scott and investor Vivek Ramaswamy, and giving each of them the opportunity to speak .

Holding a semi-public contest to determine his vice president and waiting until the last minute to make his choice will work to the advantage of former presidents, argued Trump adviser Jason Miller. All potential candidates will work hard for Trump, and Trump and his team will have more time to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, Miller told others in Trump's orbit. Miller also told other advisers that many of the candidates could be cabinet secretaries.

Knowing that Trump loves reality TV, Miller suggested that the campaign create suspense and drama around his selection.

It's The Apprentice: 2024, said Terry Sullivan, a Republican consultant who managed Rubio's 2016 presidential bid. Donald Trump is nothing short of a showman, and he loves this process and he's going to drag it out and get as much media coverage and goodwill and leverage it as much as humanly possible.

In a statement, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said anyone who claims to know who or when President Trump will choose his vice president is lying, unless that person is named Donald J. Trump.

Trump's choice for vice president will be one of his most important decisions ahead of the November election. Most voters already have strong opinions about Trump, and he has suggested his choice of running mate will have no impact.

But he is 77 years old, and if he wins, he will be the oldest president to be inaugurated. According to the Constitution, he can only serve one additional term, making whoever he chooses a favorite to succeed him as head of the MAGA movement.

Still, becoming Trump's running mate proved to be a highly rewarding and high-risk endeavor. Pence served Trump loyally for four years, to the point of obsequiousness, before Trump turned on him for his refusal to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol put Pence and his family in danger, as some rioters chanted Hang Mike Pence.

Pence launched his own presidential bid last year, saying Trump was no longer qualified for the presidency after January 6, and clearly refused to support him.

Asked if there is any political risk involved in being Trump's vice president, Pence adviser Marc Short responded: That question answers itself.

In 2016, our party was very divided and I think the choice of Pence gave many conservatives confidence about Trump's candidacy, Short said. I don't think Trump needs a vice president to consolidate the party. He consolidated the party. I don't think he needs someone in the same way to navigate Washington, because he's very comfortable communicating in a variety of ways with Republican elected officials. I'm not sure the role would be the same the second time around.

Chris Christie, who was Trump's second running mate in 2016, expects Trump to drag out the process but end up choosing a yes-man.

Job number one is a courtier, Christie said. Job number two is the one he believes will have the best political benefit on the day he makes the decision. Neither the day before nor the next day.

Christie said that in 2016, Trump was worried about gaining support from evangelical voters and hard-core conservatives. This time, he's more concerned about his own future, Christie said, and finding someone who won't challenge him.

Trump praised recent television appearances by Rubio and Sanders, who was once his White House press secretary. Rubio has generated considerable interest among Trump's advisers.

The former president asked advisers, donors and even members of the Mar-a-Lago Club about Noem, but also wondered if she had too much baggage. Some of her closest advisers were put off recently when she appeared to film an infomercial-style video for a Texas dental clinic that fixed her teeth.

Team Noem has provided the Trump campaign with data that shows she is outperforming other potential vice presidential candidates in battleground states, according to a person familiar with the discussions. Ian Fury, Noem's spokesperson, said she had a fantastic conversation with Trump last week.

While the media is worried about the vice president's choice, she is focused on continuing to win for the people of South Dakota and doing everything she can to help Trump win re-election, Fury said.

One setback against Lake, who is running for a U.S. Senate seat in Arizona, is that she did not win her 2022 gubernatorial race, according to three Trump advisers.

I think he's genuinely conflicted on several ideas, said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). He's going to name some names, but he's thinking more about: can you be president and can you help me.

Vice presidential candidates audition not only during their visits to Mar-a-Lago, but also during appearances at fundraisers, on the campaign trail and on cable news. Several have posted about Trump or sent emails about him dozens of times this year, incorporating his name into their messages.

Trump advisers said nearly every candidate cited in this article had visited Mar-a-Lago at least once in recent weeks.

In interviews, people close to potential contenders suggested a balance between aggressively defending Trump while not appearing overly enthusiastic, and often cited the rivals as counterexamples.

A person close to Sanders said she had her dream job, but noted she had already been vetted and emphasized her loyalty to Trump. (Trump advisers said he was hurt that Sanders did not endorse him before a November rally in Hialeah, Florida). A person close to Vance said: “Anything he does right now to help Trump, he would do whether or not he is mentioned as a possibility for vice president.” (Trump endorsed Vance in the 2022 Republican Senate primary in Ohio, paving the way for the nomination.)

Scott, who launched a bid for the White House last year but dropped out in November and is the only black Republican in the Senate, has made dozens of TV news appearances on Trump's behalf since endorsing the former president before the New Hampshire primary. Trump has said both privately and publicly that Scott did a better job defending him than he did for his own failed White House bid.

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), who recently met with Trump and encouraged him to choose Scott, said the former president was giving no guidance.

It can be very transparent, Cramer said. But if it's a secret he wants to keep, he's really good at keeping it. And this is not a case of him getting a tip at all.

If 2016 is anything to go by, Trump will wait until the last minute to make a decision. Christie, who was the finalist for the job, said he didn't know until the final days that Trump wouldn't give him the green light. He received the news in a particularly shocking way, when he was alerted by his security chief that Pence was landing at Teterboro, a private airport in New Jersey, he said.

He called Trump, who denied making a final decision. Trump told him to immediately turn on Fox News, where he then called into Greta Van Susterens' show.

After about 30 seconds, Greta said: We have a special guest calling us by phone. This is the future Republican candidate, Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump, thank you for coming, Christie reminded. Basically, he's saying, “It's just Christie and Pence left, and I haven't made any final decisions, no matter what anyone tells you.” And he calls me back. You see? I didn't make a choice.

Christie said he told Trump he didn't believe him because Pence wouldn't fly from Indiana to New Jersey to lose the faceoff. The next morning, Trump called him to tell him that 'he would choose Pence.

He said to me, 'Chris, look, you have to admit, Pence just came out of central casting,'” Christie said.

Isaac Arnsdorf, Leigh Ann Caldwell and Jeremy Merrill contributed to this report.




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