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At first TTAP rally, Achakzai urges Parliament to quash proceedings against Imran

At first TTAP rally, Achakzai urges Parliament to quash proceedings against Imran


Omar Ayub laments the erosion of constitutional supremacy under the current government. Akhtar Mengal declares that he rejects the legitimacy of “Government Form 47” and Article 144.

ISLAMABAD: Pashtunkhawa Milli Awami Party (PKMAP) leader Mehmood Khan Achakzai on Saturday said that PTI founder was the strongest party leader in parliament and parliament should cancel all cases against PTI founder and its associates through a resolution.

Addressing a public gathering of the Six Arties alliance in Pishin, the PkMAP leader said that when 9,000 cases could be canceled, they (leaders) should also close the May 9 cases.

The inaugural gathering of Tehreek Tahafuz Ayeen-i-Pakistans (TTAP) at Pishin was also addressed by PTI Omar Ayub, Sher Afzal Marwat, SIC Sahibzada chief Hamid Raza, JI Dr Attaur Rehman, MWM Allama Nasir Abbas, the BNP Akhtar Mengal and other eminent ones. leaders.

All the big families sitting around the government were accompanied by the English colonial power, Achakzai said, adding that these same families were also associated with Bhutto and Ziaul Haq. These birds, when they gather to sit on top of a building, turn that structure into rubble, a senior politician said.

He said these eternal trees should be removed from politics forever. These people had forced Benazir Bhutto to get the NRO.

He affirmed that this alliance was not aimed at the overthrow of the government but at the supremacy of the constitution. He called on all Pakistanis who believe in the supremacy of the constitution to join the movement.

Achakzai said here that no one is slave or master of anyone, but we are all equal, we must bring revolution with people power.

JI's Dr Rahman stressed the importance of constitutional supremacy and the unity of opposition parties to defend it.

Addressing the gathering, Omar Ayub lamented the erosion of constitutional supremacy under the current government, citing the continued detention of party leader Imran Khan as proof of government excesses.

“The mandate of the people, as manifested on February 8, cannot be ignored. The PTI continues to defend the rights and civil liberties of all citizens.

Ayub, highlighting the representation of all parties in TTAP, said, “Representatives from all corners of Pakistan are united on this platform.”

“Now is not the time for complacency; our nation demands our active participation. The preservation of the Constitution is essential.

“Pakistan belongs to all of us, but many are suffering under the weight of oppression,” Sahibzada Hamid Raza said in his speech.

He commended the participants for their resilience, proclaiming: “Today, in the midst of adversity, your steadfastness testifies to the indomitable will of the people.

MWM leader Allama Raja Nasir Abbas addressed the gathering, saying: “We are the guardians of this nation, united against the forces seeking to sow division. »

He criticized previous governments, saying: “Decades of mismanagement and corruption have brought our nation to a perilous moment. »

Addressing the gathering, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) leader Sher Afzal Marwat said that Imran Khan was languishing in jail for the past eight months in trumped-up cases. He regretted that the unprecedented assassinations of Imran Khan and his wife were carried out simply to score political points, adding that hundreds of PTI workers and leaders were also beaten and jailed to force them to leave the party and Imran Khan.

BNP leader Akhtar Mengal delivered a fervent speech, saying: “We reject the legitimacy of 'Form 47 government' and Article 144. Our struggle will persist until constitutional supremacy is restored.”

He questioned the effectiveness of the repressive measures, asking: “How can Article 144 deter political activism that even natural disasters cannot quell?” »

He said political workers were fighting against the harshest martial law. “In Balochistan, there is a Form 47 government, an establishment government.”

“No action has been taken against those who stole the mandate of the people in the country,” he added.

“The elections are marred by manipulation, favoring candidates who have no local support,” Mengal said. “After the missing people in Balochistan, people are now going missing in every corner of the country.”

Creation of Tehreek Tahafuz Ayeen-i-Pakistan (TTAP)

Earlier yesterday, the 'grand alliance' of six opposition parties, including the PTI, joined hands to launch a movement for 'protecting the Constitution' in a bid to launch a protest campaign against allegations of wrongdoing electoral practices during the general elections of February 8. .

The Tehreek Tahafuz Ayeen-i-Pakistan (TTAP) coalition was formed early on Saturday after an all-night session of opposition party leaders in light of the government's perceived encroachments on constitutional integrity.

At a party meeting on Friday evening in Quetta, the strategy for launching the protest movement and Saturday's public meeting were decided with Mahmood Khan Achakzai of PkMAP appointed as the movement's chairman.

PTI central general secretary Omar Ayub Khan, BNP chief Akhtar Mengal, JI acting chief Liaquat Baloch, MWM chief Raja Nasir Abbas and SIC chief Hamid Raza Qadri also attended the meeting.

Following the meeting, opposition leaders, including PkMAP's Mahmood Khan Achakzai, PTI's Omar Ayub and JI's acting Emir Liaquat Baloch, held a joint press conference.

“We are determined to end the system of one country, two laws,” said PTI general secretary Omar Ayub. He added that PkMAP Chairman Achakzai was appointed chairman of the six-party alliance with the consensus of opposition party leaders.

Ayub also revealed that the first two protest rallies of the alliance will be held in Balochistan.

Achakzai underlined his unwavering commitment to safeguarding the Constitution, saying no “compromise would be made on its defense”.

We will not abuse anyone, we will talk about the supremacy of the Constitution, he said.

Speaking to the media, Mengal said that if the movement had started 20 years ago, there would have been no Form 47. He added that political forces and people would play an important role in this movement.

The SIC chief maintained that 'Tehreek Tahafuz Ayeen-i-Pakistan' (TTAP) would prove to be a big movement and the party would play a leading role in this movement as the main objective is to establish supremacy of the Constitution.

MWM's Allama Nasir Abbas said the law of the jungle prevails in the country and they are ready to face all difficulties for the supremacy of the Constitution.

Article 144 imposed in Pishin case

Earlier, the Balochistan government had imposed Section 144 in Pishin ahead of the inaugural gathering of the six-party alliance, citing the law and order situation in the district.

As per the notification issued by the district deputy commissioner on Friday, gathering of more than five people will be prohibited in Pishin, with Section 144 also being enforced on closure of major highways.

“The Department of Internal and Tribal Affairs, Government of Balochistan, in exercise of powers conferred under sub-section (6) of Section 144 Cr.PC 1898, has imposed ban on blockade of national/major highways, roads, red zones, including processions, gatherings. and gathering of five (05) or more than five persons/sit-ins across the province of Balochistan with immediate orders until further orders,” the notification said.

The guidelines were issued on the orders of the provincial government's department of home and tribal affairs.

The district also witnessed heavy rains due to which rainwater accumulated in the ground where the opposition is to hold its inaugural rally.

However, measures are being taken to drain the water before the rally.




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