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Trump rally: Things to know on Saturday for the former president's visit to the Lehigh Valley

Trump rally: Things to know on Saturday for the former president's visit to the Lehigh Valley


NORTH WHITEHALL TWP., Pennsylvania. Former President Donald Trump is expected to hold a campaign rally Saturday night in Schnecksville.

The rally outside the Schnecksville Fire Station off Route 309 will take place just two days before Trump's criminal trial begins Monday in Manhattan over alleged secret payments to cover up a 2016 election sex scandal .

Some things to know about visiting Lehigh County:


If you plan to be on the road Saturday afternoon and evening, you may want to avoid Route 22 in the Allentown area and Route 309 north of Route 22 in Lehigh County.

Pennsylvania State Police say to expect traffic delays and intermittent road closures between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. in the following areas:

Route 22, eastbound and westboundRoute 309, northbound and southbound (to the Route 873 area)Old Packhouse Road in Schnecksville

Informational signs will be placed throughout the area to inform motorists of traffic conditions, state police said. People are encouraged to use to track the latest travel conditions on Saturday.


Organizers say they are expecting between 5,000 and 6,000 people for the rally. Tickets were still available on the Trump campaign website as of Friday. There was a limit of two tickets per registered cell phone number.

The former president and presumptive Republican presidential nominee is scheduled to speak at the rally at 7 p.m., but there will be plenty of activity before then.

The gates to the field outside the fire station. This is an outdoor event and will open at 3 p.m.

Judging by the campaign's website, this is the last public campaign event before jury selection begins Monday at a Manhattan courthouse. Trump is expected to be in court for proceedings that are expected to last six to eight weeks.

Weather forecast

Hold on to your hat. The Lehigh Valley is under a wind advisory until 6 p.m., according to the National Weather Service.

The morning will bring a slight chance of showers that should be confined north of Interstate 78 as a low pressure system moves away, but breezy to breezy conditions will develop.

Gusts of up to 45 mph are possible during the day, especially over high terrain, the weather service said.

Winds are expected to ease Saturday evening, but temperatures will be a few degrees below normal, with lows between 40 and 40C.

Country visits

This will be Trump's first official visit to the Lehigh Valley since just before the 2020 presidential election. While at the White House and during his 2020 re-election campaign, he made two stops in the Lehigh Valley .

The last one took place on October 26, 2020, during his visit to HoverTech International, a medical equipment manufacturer in Hanover Township, Northampton County.

His opponent, President Joe Biden, was in the Lehigh Valley in January when he walked Main Street in Emmaus and visited the Mack South Fire Station and the Allentown Fire Training Academy.

Earlier this week

Check out this story from earlier this week about preparations for the Trump rally in Lehigh County. And you can return to coverage of the rally later Saturday on

Managing Producer Stephanie Sigafoos contributed to this report.




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