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PM Modi on vision of a developed India by 2047

PM Modi on vision of a developed India by 2047


“When I say I have big plans…”: PM Modi on vision of a developed India by 2047

The Prime Minister said work on the ambitious Viksit Bharat 2047 project was underway.

New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has outlined his vision of a developed India by 2047.

Speaking in an interview with ANI, PM Modi also questioned the opposition for spreading fear that the BJP would seek to amend the constitution if voted to power in the Lok Sabha elections.

“When I say I have big plans, no one should be afraid. I do not make decisions to scare or crush anyone, I make decisions for the healthy development of the nation. Moreover, governments always say that we have done everything, but I don't think I have done everything. I tried to do everything in the right way, but there are so many things to do because I see that my country has so many needs. How to make everyone's family dreams come true, that's why I say it's a caravan,” the Prime Minister said.

“The second thing is the question of vision 2047. First of all, I have been the chief minister of Gujarat for a long time. And I am used to this experience. If elections are held again and again, then in my state, 30 -40 good senior officers were leaving as observers for the elections So they were away for 40-50 days I was worried about how I was running the government Because in the country such elections continue. happen. Then I thought that if I have elections, I will not take this period as a vacation I give jobs to civil servants in advance, I ask them to do this for the next government even. at that time,” PM Modi added.

The Prime Minister revealed that work on the ambitious Viksit Bharat 2047 project has been going on for two years and he has even set a target for his first 100 days in office in his next term if elected .

“I have been working on 2047 for two years. And for this, I have sought opinions and suggestions from people across the country. I have collected suggestions from over 15 lakh people on how they want to see India in the next 25 years I contacted universities, I contacted different NGOs and 15 to 20 lakh people contributed. Then I took the help of AI. categorized it by topic, I put together a dedicated team of officers in each department to work on this Can this be done for the next term, I sat down with them and. they made presentations for two to two and a half hours,” the Prime Minister said.

“In 2047 we will celebrate 100 years of the country's independence. Naturally, such a step somehow arouses new enthusiasm and creates a new resolve… In every institution, everyone should have a goal. I am the leader from my village, and by 2047, I will do all this in my village And an inspiration should arise in the country and the 100th anniversary of independence is a great inspiration in itself,” the Prime Minister added.

Prime Minister Modi said that in the current Lok Sabha elections, the voter had a choice between a failed Congress model and the BJP model which had shown its performance.

“If we look at the 2024 elections, the country has an opportunity: there is a model of Congress government and BJP government. They worked for 5-6 decades and I only for 10 years. Compare them in all areas, even if there are some gaps, there will be no gaps in our efforts,” the Prime Minister said.

“Secondly, in 10 years, at least two years, we lost the battle against Covid. And there were also many aftereffects. Even then, today, if we compare the country in terms of speed and of scale. If we talk about overall development, on every parameter you can see a pattern that yes, we will walk on this path with so much speed,” PM Modi said.

The Prime Minister also pledged to accelerate and increase the scale of the country's development to achieve the goal of Viksit Bharat.

“In the next term, I need to increase the speed as well as the scale. That is my aim. Secondly, you will see that when the citizens of the country entrust the responsibility of running the country, then we should have a single leadership. the mind is focused on the country, on the people of the country,” the Prime Minister said.

“Unfortunately, the political culture of the past was to make the family strong, not to let anyone take away the roots of the family. Whereas I work towards making the country strong. And when the country is strong, strong, everyone benefits. Where something happens, we work hard, we do it with honesty, these things have an impact. So 2024, this election, we took our record and they brought theirs. added the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister further reiterated that even in 2019, his government recorded several notable achievements in its first 100 days, a commitment he sought to renew.

“Because I don't want to waste a single minute. Now you have to remember that in 2019 very few people pay attention to it. Also at that time I gave 100 days of work and went to the electoral ground. And when I came back, Article 370, I did it in 100 days With the repeal of Triple Talaq, I released my sisters, I did it in the first 100 days, I plan to. advance it and put it on the base.

“Trust is a very great power. And in a country like India, I consider this trust as my responsibility. And that is why I say it again and again,” the Prime Minister added.

The Prime Minister further said that he only serves Mother India like a son and that is his mission.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)




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