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Islamist NGO buys 3 ships to go to Gaza and awaits Erdogan's approval

Islamist NGO buys 3 ships to go to Gaza and awaits Erdogan's approval


Levent Kenez/Stockholm

An Islamist NGO supported by the Turkish government has put forward plans to organize an aid flotilla to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The NGO, which has now acquired three vessels, is preparing to set sail soon. The move comes amid criticism of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for failing to adequately respond to Israel's human rights violations in Gaza and for ties between Turkish businessmen close to him. and Israel. Erdogan's stance on this flotilla will likely be key in determining whether a new crisis erupts between the two countries.

Blent Yldrm, president of the Foundation for Human Rights, Freedoms and Humanitarian Aid (HH), a Turkish charity supported by Turkish intelligence services and associated with radical jihadist groups, announced on February 17 new initiatives aimed at organizing a fleet of ships intended to break the Israeli naval blockade on Gaza. Speaking at an event in Istanbul, Yldrm revealed that the flotilla was expected to set sail by the end of March, with simultaneous departures expected from several countries in Europe. However, as the plans did not come to fruition in March, a new date has now been set for the end of April. The HH calls for volunteers to join the ships bound for Gaza. However, the likelihood of the flotilla setting sail by the end of April is also considered low.

In a recent announcement, the HH said it had acquired three ships for its upcoming fleet. The first ship, renamed Anadolu (IMO: 9139127, a unique ship identification number introduced by the International Maritime Organization), was a general cargo ship built in 1997 and currently operates under the flag of Guinea-Bissau. Formerly known as Dalya H, the vessel has a capacity of 5,500 tonnes.

Besides the Anadolu, HH also purchased another vessel, a passenger ship built in 1972, which currently operates under the flag of Palau. Formerly known as The Majestic (IMO: 7211440), the HH renamed the ship Conscience. The ship is currently anchored at Tuzla Port in Istanbul, awaiting further instructions.

The third vessel, renamed Akdeniz (IMO: 7615048), is a ro-ro/passenger vessel currently sailing under the flag of Guinea-Bissau with an overall length of 122.05 meters and a beam of 18.5 meters. The ship arrived in Istanbul on April 9 after leaving Aliaa's Izmir port. The 45-year-old ship, formerly known as Prince, served for a long time as a passenger ship between Greece, Italy and Croatia.

Video shared by the HH on social networks:

During the March 27 inspections aboard the Anadolu and Conscience, Yldrm said in a video posted on X that additional ships would be added to the fleet. “Conscientious activists will be aboard these ships, carrying the conscience of the world to the shores of Gaza. The plight of Gaza will be told in the Mediterranean in a way that mobilizes the entire world, with people taking to the streets. Everyone will put pressure on their leaders. The flow of arms to Israel will be cut off, trade with Israel will be cut off and Israel will be subject to a blockade, he said.

However, the HH has yet to issue any reaction or response regarding Turkish businessmen doing business with Israel.

The HH's creation of the new flotilla recalls similar efforts in 2010, when the Mavi Marmara flotilla attempting to deliver aid to Gaza was intercepted by the Israeli navy, resulting in the tragic deaths of nine Turks and a Turkish-American. pro-Palestinian activist. The incident not only sparked a diplomatic crisis, but also became a powerful political tool for then-prime minister Erdogan at national rallies.

In March 2013, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu apologized to Prime Minister Erdogan, his Turkish counterpart at the time, over the deadly incident during a meeting with US President Barack Obama.

After lengthy negotiations, Turkish officials announced that an agreement had been reached with Israel aimed at normalizing relations between the two countries. The HH openly criticized the agreement.

In a speech delivered in his palace on June 29, 2016, Erdogan indirectly referred to His Highness by stating: “We are taking a step internationally. Did you ask the then Prime Minister [referring to himself] transport such humanitarian aid from Turkey? We have always provided and continue to provide the necessary aid to Gaza. We did it for Palestine and we continue to do it.

Blent Yldrm inspects the newly acquired vessels on March 27.

“We did all this not for show, but as part of international diplomacy. We did it, we are doing it and we will continue to help Gazans with decorum, not with fanfare, he added.

However, many found it implausible that the HH, with its close ties to Erdogan, would have organized the Mavi Marmara flotilla without his approval.

Erdogan has not yet made any statement regarding the HH's new initiative. However, it seems unlikely that the HH will act without its knowledge, just like in 2010. If an aid flotilla is again violently intercepted by Israel and Turkish citizens are killed, it could lead to an even deeper crisis between Israel and Turkey than in 2010. This time around, Erdogan may also face backlash from the Turkish public. If Erdogan does not allow Turkish activists to board the ships and the fleet to set sail, he could face criticism from Islamist groups and his loyalists who accuse him of failing to take concrete action against Israel . Another possibility is that the fleet changes its final destination en route and heads towards Egypt, in which case Israeli intervention may not take place.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and IHH President Blent Yldrm (right).

Turkey announced on April 9 that it would impose trade restrictions on Israel in response to the conflict in Gaza. The new measures were introduced a day after Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan claimed that Israel had hampered its efforts to airdrop aid to Gaza.

“The decision will remain in force until Israel declares an immediate ceasefire and allows sufficient and uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza,” the Turkish Commerce Ministry said on X. Attached to The announcement included a list of 54 products subject to export restrictions. . However, experts express skepticism about the government's decision due to the absence of customs tariff codes in the published list. According to Turkish media, it was also claimed that trade with Israel would continue through third countries.

The ministry's statement was followed by the arrest by Turkish police of a small group of pro-Palestinian protesters who had gathered in Istanbul to urge the government to cut trade ties with Israel.

The heavy-handed police response drew criticism from many, including pro-government groups. Of particular note, two of the arrested protesters were the daughters of a man who lost his life aboard the Mavi Marmara in 2010, further fueling public outrage. Government-affiliated media accused the protesters of being puppets of foreign powers, with some even claiming they were Mossad agents.




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