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Etel Adnan honored with Google Doodle

Etel Adnan honored with Google Doodle


Google is honoring the work of the late Lebanese-American writer and painter Etel Adnan with an illustration on its homepage. This artwork, from a series known as Google Doodles, depicts the artist sitting at a desk with a paintbrush in hand, framed with the fruits of a 50-year career. The interpretation of the sun, sea, and mountains is depicted in jewel-like geometric patterns. ; and extensive writings on the legacies of war, national and diaspora identities, and Arabic-speaking feminism.

“Etel Adnan was an inspiration to all those who were lucky enough to meet her in person. She taught us how important memories are without feeling nostalgic, and she became a light of the 20th and 21st century. “She physically expressed in words and images the beauty that emerges from darkness,” Mary Sabatino, vice president and partner at Galerie Lelon, Adnan's longtime agent, told ARTnews at the time of her death. Ta. In 2021, she will be 96 years old.

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“As another poet wrote, 'Stop all the clocks/For she is dead,'” Sabatino added.

Adnan was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1925 and began painting in the 1960s while teaching aesthetics and philosophy at a university in Northern California. From the 1970s to her 1980s, she published several collections of poetry and essays, as well as the acclaimed novel Sitt Marie Rose. The book is based on the true story of Marie-Rose Boulot, who was kidnapped and murdered by a Lebanese militia for supporting the Palestinian cause during the Lebanese civil war.

It wasn't until 2012, when curator Carolyn Kristof-Bakargiev hired her for Documenta 13, that her meditative abstractions gained institutional attention.

Etel Adnan, Untitled, 2010. Collection of Karen E. Wagner and David L. Caplan, New York. © Etel Adnan

In 2014, she participated in the Whitney Biennial and later that year was awarded France's highest cultural honor, the Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters. In 2021, New York's Guggenheim Museum held the first major exhibition in the United States of her work, including paintings, ceramics, accordion-style artist books, and tapestries, titled “Etel Adnan: A New Measure of Light.”

In a 2014 interview with Bomb Magazine, Adnan reflected on his evaluation of visual art in his later years: It's nice to see her work recognized, but it's almost a fad for women to be recognized late in life. For example, Agnes Martin. It's a trend, but we hope that changes. ”




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