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Xi Jinping meets German Chancellor Scholz amid Middle East tensions

Xi Jinping meets German Chancellor Scholz amid Middle East tensions



Just after the G7 countries issued a statement over the weekend “strongly condemning” the Iranian attack on Israel, one of the group's leaders, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, landed in China for a three-day visit. days. The German was accompanied by a high-level business delegation: company executives from industrial giants such as Siemens, BMW and Benz, as well as ministers of the Environment, Agriculture and Transport.

The company Scholz chose to travel to China reveals Berlin's intention to continue close commercial ties with Beijing, even though it was Scholz himself who promoted the first official German government document devoted to a “strategy.” on China”, which sought to reduce dependence on the Asian market in critical areas.

Scholz, in the middle of a balancing act to defend his country's commercial interests while supporting the “partial decoupling” which marks the European Union's strategy against the Asian superpower, was received Monday in Beijing by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“China and Germany enjoy a relationship whose importance goes beyond bilateral relations and has a significant impact on both the Eurasian continent and the entire world. The two countries should consider and develop their bilateral relations in a strategic and long-term perspective,” Xi said. his German counterpart at the start of the meeting.

On the table, in addition to bilateral relations, were other geopolitical issues such as Beijing's military pressure in the South China Sea, Washington's latest accusations that the Xi government is supporting the Russian “war machine” in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East.

China's Foreign Ministry expressed “deep concern” over escalating tensions after Iran launched drones and missiles in its first direct attack on Israeli territory. “China calls on the international community, especially influential countries, to play a constructive role in maintaining regional peace and stability,” a Chinese government spokesperson said this week, asserting that this “series of tensions” was the consequence of the “overflow of the Gaza Strip”. conflict”.

Beijing has long tried to play a mediating role in the Middle East. In 2023, he successfully facilitated a historic diplomatic deal between Iran and its regional rival Saudi Arabia that ended years of hostilities. But the world's second-largest power has made no progress in its attempts to mediate with Israel to end its brutal war in Gaza.

Beijing, centerpiece

When the Iran-backed Hutes began attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea, U.S. officials called on Xi's government to use its influence over Tehran to stop the attacks. In a more direct confrontation between Iran and Israel, Beijing could be an important player in stopping an escalation of the conflict. The second world power has for years supported the economy of the Islamic Republic, shaken by Western sanctions, by mainly purchasing Iranian oil at a discount of up to 25%.

The situation in Ukraine was also among the topics discussed by Xi and Scholz on Tuesday in Beijing. “China is neither a party nor a participant in the Ukrainian crisis, but has promoted the peace talks in its own way. China encourages and supports all efforts leading to a peaceful resolution of the crisis and supports the timely convening of an international peace conference. peace recognized by Russia and Ukraine, with the equal participation of all parties,” Xi said according to the text of the meeting released by the Chinese side.

The statements come from a previously classified US intelligence report, revealed last Friday, in which China is accused of supplying cruise missile engines and other ballistic missile tools to Russia.

Two US officials said Chinese and Russian groups were working to jointly produce drones in Russia. Also that Beijing had supplied 90% of the chips imported by Moscow last year and that these were used to make tanks, missiles and planes. China, according to the same report, would also help its neighbor improve its satellite images.

The intelligence report comes amid a campaign by U.S. officials to pressure the European Union in a bid to get the bloc to toughen its rhetoric against China and increase sanctions against companies of the Asian giant.




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