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Erdogan accuses the West of “barbarism” and Islamophobia in the Gaza war

Erdogan accuses the West of “barbarism” and Islamophobia in the Gaza war


ISTANBUL (AP) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan used a speech on human rights on Saturday to accuse the West of barbarism for its stance on the issue of human rights. Israel-Hamas War and what he claimed was his tolerance for Islamophobia.

Israel has committed atrocities and massacres that will shame all humanity, Erdogan told a packed audience in Istanbul, the day before the 75th anniversary of World War II. Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

All values ​​linked to humanity are murdered in Gaza. In the face of such brutality, international institutions and human rights organizations are taking no concrete steps to prevent such violations,” the Turkish leader said.

The Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948, enshrines a standard relating to human rights and freedoms for all.

In reference to Friday American veto of a United Nations resolution Calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, Erdogan said a fairer world was possible, but not with America, because the United States stands with Israel. From now on, humanity will no longer think that the United States supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Turkey's human rights record Erdogan in power for two decades has been the subject of frequent criticism for targeting government critics and political opponents, undermining judicial independence, and weakening democratic institutions.

Turkey has withdrawn from the Istanbul Convention on prevention of violence against women and has not implemented the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

On Saturday, the president defined Islamophobia and xenophobia, which he said engulf Western societies like poison ivy, as the greatest threats to human rights.

He declared to an enthusiastic audience that the only value the West clings to is its barbarity. We have seen this example of the barbarity of Westerners in all these unfortunate events that they have supported or perpetrated.

Erdogan cited attack on mosques in 2019 in Christchurch, New Zealandduring which an armed man killed 51 people, as an Islamophobic attack legitimized and even encouraged by the West.

According to them, non-Westerners are not entitled to enjoy these universal human rights, they neglect Islamophobic attacks and they show the twisted perception and mentality of the West, he said.

In October, Erdogan told a massive crowd of protesters in Istanbul that his government was preparing to declare Israel a war criminal because of its actions in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government said in response that it would reassess its diplomatic relations with Turkey.




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