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Google Israel deal: Google fires workers protesting $1.2 billion contract to provide AI and cloud services to Israel through Project Nimbus

Google Israel deal: Google fires workers protesting $1.2 billion contract to provide AI and cloud services to Israel through Project Nimbus


Alphabet Inc.'s Google has fired 28 employees for their involvement in protests against Project Nimbus, a $1.2 billion joint agreement with to provide AI and cloud services to the Israeli government. The Tech for Apartheid organization was held Tuesday across his Google offices in New York City, Seattle and Sunnyvale, California. Protesters in New York and California held sit-ins for nearly 10 hours, with other participants documenting their actions through Twitch livestreams and other channels. Nine of them were arrested Tuesday night on suspicion of trespassing. Several workers who participated in the protest, including those not directly involved in the sit-in, received messages from the company's employee relations group informing them that they had been placed on leave. Google told affected employees in an email reviewed by Bloomberg that the matter would be kept as confidential as possible and that it would only disclose information on a need-to-know basis. A statement from Google staff members involved in the No Technology for Apartheid campaign said the employees were notified of their termination by the company on Wednesday night. Physically interfering with another employee's work or preventing access to the facility is a clear violation of policy. , and completely unacceptable behavior, Google said in a statement about the protesters. After refusing multiple requests to leave, law enforcement engaged in removing them to ensure the security of the office. To date, the individual investigations that led to the dismissal of 28 employees have been completed, and we will continue to investigate and respond as necessary.

Google has long favored a culture of open discussion, but recent employee activism has put that commitment to the test. Workers who organized a strike in 2018 over the company's handling of sexual assault allegations said Google punished them for their activism. Four other workers claimed they were fired for organizing protests against Google's work with federal Customs and Border Protection and other workplace advocacy.

U.S. labor law provides employees with the right to take collective action regarding working conditions. John Logan, a labor studies professor at San Francisco State University, said this would allow tech workers to come together and challenge how the tools they create are used. He said he would argue that it should be.

Tech workers are different from other types of workers, he says. In this case, you could argue that having some say or control over how your company's work is used, or the ability to protest, is actually kind of an important issue. . Technology companies like Google have a reputation for being more egalitarian and very international. But when they encountered labor movements among their own workers, they actually reacted in a kind of very harsh way, Logan added. Two Google employees who took part in the protests in California told Bloomberg that a group of employees gathered on the sixth floor of Google's Sunnyvale office, where Cloud CEO Thomas Krianns' office is located. They said they had gathered to show support for those holding the sit-in. . Employees say how Google identified the protesters, as only some had their badges scanned by security guards, and some of those fired were outside Google offices. It is said that it is unknown.

One employee said Google may have initially kept the move to give employees time off confidential to save public face, and that the protesters were not violating any company policy. He claimed that there was no. The people said the protesters left the building as soon as they were asked to do so and did not interfere with or disrupt others inside the company.

Beyond the protests, Google is also struggling with how to manage internal discussions about the Middle East conflict. Google employees said that after the protests, posts on Google's internal forums contained a mix of pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel sentiments, and many other employees said the topic was inappropriate for the workplace. He said he felt it. The employee added that the moderators had shut down some threads on the subject because the preliminary discussions had become too heated.

Despite Google's response, employee demonstrations against Project Nimbus have gained support since the sit-in, one fired employee said.




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