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Here's what you missed on day three of Trump's secret trial in New York

Here's what you missed on day three of Trump's secret trial in New York


Jury selection in Donald Trump's secret trial Thursday revealed that certain topics are likely to capture the former president's attention: Miami, real estate and the media.

When a New Yorker spoke about his decades in law enforcement, Trump raised his eyebrows. The juror, who said he has Yankees season tickets, added that he reads the New York Post and the Daily News. It was as if Trump, who had let out a yawn moments earlier, was being gripped by an electric current.

Later, Trump sat up straight and raised his chin as a young lawyer, born and raised in Miami, began going through her responses to the jury questionnaire. When asked if she had been the victim of a crime, the woman said her phone was stolen in Paris and she noted that her family's car was accidentally burned in an arson attack in Paris. Italy.

Any respite Trump might have hoped for from this woman quickly vanished as she talked about reading the Washington Post, a newspaper he railed against. She said that while she had opinions about Trump, she was very comfortable with the fact that I could put them aside. The woman explained that she occasionally watches Fox News just to try to see what's going on on all sides.

Trump crossed his arms and stared at the space in front of him.

Both jurors were later dismissed.

At times, Trump stuck his neck out, particularly when potential jurors who said they didn't think they could be fair or impartial left the courtroom.

That ended up being the fate of a former college administrator who remembers seeing Trump in his days as a developer and tabloid fixture, before he was elected president. The juror described seeing Trump and his ex-wife Marla Maples shopping for baby items at ABC Home. She said she had heard positive things about Trump, but added: “How I feel about him as president is different.”

The exchange illustrated the complexity of serving on a jury in Democratic-leaning Manhattan, where Trump faces a public largely opposed to his behavior and policies.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges related to falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments made to adult film star Stormy Daniels late in the 2016 presidential campaign.

But above all, Trump appeared ambivalent, looking ahead during Thursday's voir dire. He did not follow his legal team in turning to face the potential jurors seated in the courtroom as they were introduced to the defense.

He yawned as the presiding judge, Juan Merchan, came to the end of reading the jury instructions.

The lengthy process resulted in two jurors being dismissed after serving.

The first, an oncology nurse, said she had doubts about his ability to be fair or impartial. The other, an IT consultant, returned for questioning and expressed dissatisfaction with the amount of information about him that was already public.

A social media influencer wrote on Instagram that she was [p]I think I'm one of those who asked to be fired because of their strong views on Trump.

Those who weren't immediately smitten responded to jury questionnaires with answers worthy of a densely populated metropolis with some of the highest per capita income levels in the country.

A lawyer who said she has discussed the case and its legal merits with numerous colleagues was asked whether it would affect her ability to act fairly and impartially. She responded with a sigh, saying that while she would put aside her legal training, it's hard to ring a bell. She was not part of the jury.

Just steps away from Trump, others called him selfish and selfish and described themselves as allergic to politics becoming personal and petty.

A man who said he was born and raised in Italy compared Trump to Silvio Berlusconi, the late Italian prime minister and notorious womanizer convicted of tax fraud in 2013.

It would be a bit difficult for me to maintain my impartiality and fairness, the man said before being fired.

A self-described Bernie girl later apologized after she was asked to read aloud some of his social media posts attacking Trump during the 2016 campaign, a time when, she said , she was in a disturbed state of mind.

I don't hold those positions today, she said.

Electoral politics can be quite spicy, and Mr. Trump can be quite spicy. And I feel that I owe him an apology for some of my comments, she declared before also being fired.

Robert Hirschhorn, a jury consultant at Cathy E. Bennett & Associates, said the process is not unusual, with high-profile cases often subject to increased scrutiny, including from jurors themselves .

It's seven steps forward, two steps back, Hirschhorn said, citing Murphy's Law.

If it can go wrong, it will go wrong, he said.

Nonetheless, he said he expected a fair and impartial jury to be impaneled at the conclusion of jury selection.

Merchan was sworn in before the 12-person jury, plus one alternate, on Thursday. He hopes to have the other five alternates seated before the end of Friday.

The trial is expected to last up to eight weeks, and Trump will have to attend every day or face sanctions.




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