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Donald Trump Turns GOP Into Protection Racket, Demands Republican Candidates Pay Up

Donald Trump Turns GOP Into Protection Racket, Demands Republican Candidates Pay Up


For someone who frequently maintains his innocence, Donald Trump loves to act like a two-legged gangster. The lifelong defendant is expected to work to stay out of prison and run for president as the first of his four criminal trials begins. Instead, he is still focused on his lifelong obsession: making money while avoiding honest work. And this elderly conman's latest marks are other Republican candidates running for state or local office.

“[T]The Trump campaign is asking candidates who use his name, image and likeness in fundraising appeals to give at least 5 percent,” Politico reported Wednesday evening. The campaign's “outreach” has taken a major turn shop you have there, “Any division greater than 5% will be welcomed by the RNC and President Trump's campaign and will be regularly reported to the highest levels of leadership in both organizations,” reads the letter sent to the Republican. fundraisers this week.

No one should feel sorry for these Republicans. They are copycats using Trump's most basic ruse: putting his name all over your fundraising appeals, with the implicit promise to MAGA supporters that sending them money will make liberals cry.

You'd think the “or” was already implied in this language, but Trump's campaign committee is clearly concerned about Republican politicians' difficulty understanding the subtlety. The threat was therefore made explicit: “Any seller whose customers ignore the guidelines mentioned above will be held responsible for the actions of their customers,” including if the Trump campaign excluded them.

It has long been established that Trump views his supporters primarily as open pocketbooks to be picked. But his interest in separating fools from their money has grown in recent months as his legal fees and court judgments mount. Although he regularly declares himself a “billionaire,” Trump has done everything in his power to avoid paying what he owes. Instead, he resorts to all kinds of tricks, including his longtime favorite: conning some asshole into paying for him.

Even though his half-billion-dollar bail was reduced to $175 million after he lost his fraud trial in New York, the money Trump allegedly got is starting to smell pretty fishy. Simply put, Attorney General Letitia James seems concerned that the person offering to guarantee bail doesn't actually have the money to pay it.

“Billionaire” Trump also appears to be digging through the metaphorical couch cushions to pay his lawyers. One reason President Joe Biden's war chest is much larger than Trump's is that Trump's donors are being directed to a PAC that pays his legal fees, not to traditional campaign activities like advertising and organization. Trump's takeover of the Republican National Committee appears to be financially motivated, at least in part. As soon as Trump installed loyalist leaders, including his daughter-in-law, the RNC restructured its cash system so that Trump's legal fees took priority over traditional campaign spending.

Today, they undermine candidates for legislative and state comptrollerships, with the implication that saying no means Trump will publicly blast that candidate, derailing their careers. No one should feel sorry for these Republicans. They are copycats using Trump's most basic ruse: putting his name all over your fundraising appeals, with the implicit promise to MAGA supporters that sending them money will make liberals cry. Still, it’s particularly rude of Trump to deny the little guys a piece of his hustle. Republicans had to give up whatever dignity they had left by publicly praising Trump, so of course they want some money in return.

There's no doubt that Trump thinks he's a super-genius for being able to defraud so many people, but in reality it's the same thing over and over again, from peddling Trump sneakers to deceiving the grandma MAGA to become a recurring donor. This is a legal or semi-legal form of what the Security and Exchange Commission calls “affinity fraud”: fraudsters target “members of identifiable groups” by being a member of that group or by recruiting “leaders community or religious respected within the group. convince members “that a fraudulent investment is legitimate and profitable.”

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A classic example would be people involved in a pyramid scheme targeting other members of their church. Another example are multi-level marketing scams that spread through Facebook groups. This is why so many peddlers sell overpriced survival kits, supplements, and gold through right-wing media networks. This is how people end up spending $60 on a strangely lightweight Trump-branded “Bible,” even though a real Bible with all the words in it is available cheaply or even for free.

Over the weekend, the Washington Post offered liberal readers a delicious slice of schadenfreude, in the form of interviews with Trump voters who bought shares of Truth Social. Because of Trump's affinity with certain people, the price of the stock, which traded under its initials DJT, soared to several times what financial experts estimated. Then, as expected, the price started to explode. Respondents bought the shares at prices ranging from $65 to $90 per share. Then it fell to the mid-twenties and now Biden jokes about it: “If Trump's stock in Truth Social, his company, falls even lower, he might do better on my tax plan than his.” »

Usually, when people make bad investments, they can attribute it to bad information or a temporary error in judgment. But to admit that it was insane, for these people, would cast doubt on what they did during the last years of their lives by remaining devoted to the cult of Trump. They simply invested too much money not to waste all their kilos. So instead they tell a redeeming story about how they are sure he has an ace up his sleeve and the stock will bounce back.

Republican candidates who were rejected and suddenly find themselves facing fees imposed by Trump are in a similar situation. Having built their political identity around being Trump sycophants, they cannot simply back down now. That’s why Trump feels free to undermine them. It turns out that betting your political career on someone who models himself after a mobster is not a good long-term security plan. I'm really surprised that the protection fee was set at a modest minimum of 5%. This is probably just an opening bet. If they pay that – and I'm sure many will be scared enough to do so – watch the fees increase to prevent Trump from bashing them in public.

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