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Glasgow, supporters of Scottish independence in the streets to rekindle the flame

Glasgow, supporters of Scottish independence in the streets to rekindle the flame


The goal of self-determination has been in decline since the surprise resignation last year of the charismatic Nicola Sturgeon, who had been head of local government for nine years. Since then, his movement, the Scottish National Party (SNP), in power in the territory, has suffered setbacks.

In the latest setback, the husband of the ex-leader and former director general of the SNP, Peter Murrell, was indicted on Thursday for embezzlement in the investigation into the party's finances. This investigation aims to use donations of 600,000 pounds (683,000 euros) collected in recent years with a view to organizing a new independence referendum.

But nothing to dampen the determination of the demonstrators present in Glasgow on Saturday, among whom was the current Prime Minister, Humza Yousaf. I have supported independence all my life [] I think we should be able to run our country the way we want, defended Jetta Becker, 62, who works in education.

We have a government that we did not vote for, also points out Thomas MacArthur, a 60-year-old security guard and supporter of the SNP, if we could keep our tax money, we could use it to support the Scots.

Humza Yousaf has pledged to continue the campaign for independence during the British parliamentary elections, which are due to take place in the autumn.

He promised that the SNP would seek a mandate for independence negotiations with the British government if it wins at least 29 of Scotland's 57 MP seats. He also hopes that Scotland, if it manages to become independent, will rejoin the European Union as quickly as possible.

Competition from Labor

In 2014, Scotland voted 55% against independence in a referendum. But Nicola Sturgeon, who had then established herself as one of the leading figures of the movement, put the issue back on the table in 2016 after Brexit.

According to her, Scotland had to leave the United Kingdom after a massive vote by its inhabitants in favor of remaining in the European Union.

The influence and communication skills of this leader during the Covid-19 pandemic, contrasting with the chaos in London under the leadership of Boris Johnson, caused support for independence to climb above 50% in 2021.

After several refusals from London to organize another referendum, Nicola Sturgeon took the matter to the highest court in the United Kingdom. But in November 2022, the judges ruled that only the British government was able to authorize such a vote to take place.

The Scottish leader now resigned shortly afterwards, and support for independence fell to between 41% and 43%, according to three opinion polls carried out in April 2024. She was then herself interviewed by the police in June 2023 in the file on the finances of the SNP, then released without any charges being brought against her.

The SNP currently has 43 MPs in Scotland, but it risks losing several seats to a Labor Party that is on the rise and seems in a strong position to enter Downing Street.

Some Scots also judge that this party, positioned on the left and allied with environmentalists in government, focuses too much on independence and not enough on the purchasing power crisis which worries readers.




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