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Congress will take away your gold, land and redistribute them, says PM Modi | Latest news India

Congress will take away your gold, land and redistribute them, says PM Modi |  Latest news India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at an election meeting in Banswara on Sunday that the Congress was influenced by urban Naxals and leftists, and this would take away people's gold and property for redistribution.

Jalore, April 21 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting for the Lok Sabha elections in Jalore on Sunday.  (ANI photo) (BJP)
Jalore, April 21 (ANI): Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting for the Lok Sabha elections in Jalore on Sunday. (ANI photo) (BJP)

So who are they going to give this property to? To those who have more children of illegal infiltrators, can your hard-earned assets be given to infiltrators? Do you agree with the Congress manifesto? Modi said. Follow complete coverage of the Lok Sabha elections here.

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Speaking in support of BJP candidates Mahenrajit Singh Malviya from Banswara and Mannalal Rawat from Udaipur, Modi said: Those who left the Congress say the party has been taken over by urban Naxals and leftists. I asked a friend why he said that and he said look at the Congress manifesto, they are promoting Maoist ideology.

Without directly referring to Modis comments in Rajasthan, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi slammed the prime minister on social media later in the evening, saying the BJP leader was now nervous after the first phase signs of the ballot. After the disappointment of the first phase of voting, the level of lies by Narendra Modis has come down so much that out of fear he now wants to divert public attention from the issues, he said in a post on X.

Earlier, Modi had said that the situation in the Congress was such that the Shahi Parivar (royal family) of the Congress would not vote for the party.

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This is the first time that in the elections, the shahi parivar who lives in Delhi will not vote for the Congress. When the first family doesn't vote for Congress, what right do they have to ask for your vote? The Shahi Parivar does not contest elections where he lives; this is the fate of the Congress, Modi said.

Modi said former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had declared during his regime that the first right to the country's resources was that of Muslims. He said that in Rajasthan, Congress leaders were telling people not to vote for the party. Can you trust this party? » said Modi.

Although it is unclear what specific comment Modi was referring to, a 2006 PMO clarification available in the archives showed that the then government had clarified that former Prime Minister Singh had said that all the deprived sections were to be improved and therefore had the first right. to resources.

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At another rally in Bhinmal town of Jalore district, Modi, speaking in support of BJP candidate Lumbaram Choudhary, said: In the first phase, half of Rajasthan punished the Congress and gave it a lesson. Rajasthan, steeped in nationalism, knows that the Congress can never create a strong India. The country does not need such a Congress government, it does not want to go back to the situation before 2014. Anyone could threaten the weak Congress government and everyone was busy looting the country.

Modi said several Congress leaders visited the Rajya Sabha from Rajasthan but never paid any attention to the state.

Without naming Congress leader Sonia Gandhi, Modi said party bigwigs were taking the Rajya Sabha route to come to power. The people of Rajasthan have now tried to save another Congress leader. Those who cannot contest or win elections flee to the Rajya Sabha. The situation in Congress is serious, he said.

Modi said the Congress had already won 400 seats in Parliament but was currently unable to field even 300 candidates.

He attacked the Indian bloc, calling it an opportunistic alliance that collapsed before taking off as allies fought against each other.

Referring to his government's welfare measures, he said it was giving gas cylinders, houses, free medical treatment, free ration, Kisan Samman Nidhi to farmers, MSP on wheat, free vaccinations for livestock and medical faculties, as well as a thermal power station and a new railway. line in the Banswara tribal region. He said the BJP government was celebrating Birsa Munda's birth anniversary as Jan Jatiya Gaurav Diwas and would launch a jan jatiya Gaurav abhiyan across the country on his 150th birth anniversary .

Congress spokesperson Swarnim Chaturvedi said the party manifesto stated that the right to jal, jungle and land would be given to the tribal people. The BJP government has diluted the rights of the tribals but we will give them back their rights. Congress also promised to give land titles to the tribes. The Prime Minister is worried about the impending defeat of the BJP and is spreading lies, Chaturvedi said.

Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh visited X to question the Prime Minister.

Why is the BJP government canceling the INC's pro-people programmes? Is the Prime Minister prioritizing his businessman friends over the rural communities of Rajasthan? Why hasn't ERCP been designated a national project yet, Ramesh said.

Ramesh said that when the Congress was in power in Rajasthan, it passed a series of visionary laws that would significantly improve the quality of life of thousands of people in the state. Instead of these laws being implemented, we are now seeing a breakdown in governance since the BJP came to power in December 2023, the Congress leader said.

(With contributions from the agency)




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