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Congress plans to redistribute wealth to infiltrators: PM Modi | News from India

Congress plans to redistribute wealth to infiltrators: PM Modi |  News from India


JAIPUR/BANSWARA: Congress is in the hands of urban Naxals who are determined to practice their beliefs and convictions through the party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday, while linking the opposition party's rhetoric in favor of wealth distribution in his manifesto and his predecessor Manmohan Singh's statement in December 2006 that minorities have the first right to the country's resources.
Just look at their manifesto. What they said is very worrying and reflects their intention to implement their Maoist vision on the ground. They said that if Congress were to form a government, they would conduct a survey of everyone's property: how much gold our mothers and sisters own and its value would be calculated, including the silver ornaments of our tribal sisters , assets of government employees, everything. They don't stop there. They go on to say that assets will be redistributed fairly. Is this acceptable to you? Does the government have the right to expropriate your hard-earned assets? Should the government seize your assets? ” the Prime Minister said, adding that for women, their gold is not just an ornament but something that is intrinsically linked to their aspirations and self-respect.
He linked the Congress manifesto with Dr Manmohan Singh's statement that minorities had the first right to national resources. Does this tell you who the assets will be divided between? Is it going to be distributed among those who have the most children, among the infiltrators? Modi said no to the great crowd.
Should the assets you have acquired through your labor go to the infiltrators? Is this acceptable to you? This is what the Congress proposed through its manifesto. They would investigate your assets, seize them and then redistribute them. I must warn you that even the mangal sutras of our mothers and sisters are not safe from this urban Naxal thinking, he said.
Modi had already attacked Congress Manifesto for his Mughal mentality.
The prime ministers introduced themselves to the Congress at an election rally in Banswara, Rajasthan, where Rahul Gandhi had announced five of the party's guarantees on the sidelines of his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra on March 7.
He reiterated his accusation that the Congress was now part of the group of urban Naxals. A friend of mine asked those leaving Congress why they were leaving Congress. They said the party was in the hands of leftists, Modi said.
He said the Congress slogan, mohabbat ki dukaan, was part of an elaborate subterfuge to deal with the reality of fear, hunger and corruption being sold in Congress stores.
I'm more like family to you. You have known me for 23 years. You also know the work accomplished by my government over the past 10 years. How can we entrust the nation to someone without a track record? he said, accusing the Congress of depriving Rajasthan's Vagad region of roads, railways and other connections during its tenure.
It is Modis guarantee to provide you with all these facilities. We have started work to connect Banswara via the Dungarpur-Ratlam railway line. The Congress government left these projects in the doldrums. After June 4, these tasks will be undertaken at a faster pace, he said.
He also accused the Congress of intimidating Dalits and tribals and spreading fear among minorities. They are spreading all kinds of lies about democracy, the Constitution and reservations. But India has outpaced fear; so their lies will not work, Modi said.




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