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INDIA bloc's formula is to hand over PM post to alliance parties for one year each: PM Modi

INDIA bloc's formula is to hand over PM post to alliance parties for one year each: PM Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that the INDIA bloc had come up with a “formula” under which the opposition alliance parties would each get the prime minister's post for a year if they came to power. the country cannot be expected to stand still,” he said at a campaign rally here, while urging the people not to waste their vote.
“I heard that the INDI Alliance has invented a new formula… if the country is to be handed over to someone, will we think about it before giving it or not? Will you give it to n “Who cares? We will think whether the person is capable of running the country or not, will the background be analyzed or not” Modi asked people.
Asking the Indian bloc about the person or leader to whom the people could entrust the responsibilities of the country, he asked: “Is there a name? Will you accept without any name, keeping you in darkness? The country will accept it?
He said: “So they (Indian bloc) have found a formula to make everyone happy. If they get the chance to rule for five years, they have told their alliance partners that each will get a year's bonus. ministry. That means one year, one Prime Minister, next year the second, then the third, the fourth and the fifth…”

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Wondering what would happen to the country and the people if this “situation” became such, the Prime Minister said: “Do you see the good for the country (that is happening) with such things? Do you see the good for you and your children?? Will you waste your vote for such a thing? Your vote is precious, please don't waste it even by mistake. Davangere BJP candidate Gayatri Siddeshwara were among other party leaders present at the rally Pointing out that a game of political one-upmanship is being played in the Karnataka Congress “between leader one and leader two” (referring to CM Siddaramaiah and vice CM DK Shivakumar), Modi said they lack vision for the progress of the state “Due to its factionalism, nepotism and wrong policies, the Congress is playing with the future of the youth. farmers and ordinary citizens. Look at the situation of the Karnataka Congress: he will be there for 2.5 years (as CM), in 2.5 years you will come (indicating the alleged plans to rotate the CM post between Siddaramaiah and Shivakumar),” a- he declared.

Targeting the Congress government in Karnataka for putting the brakes on the new education policy, Modi claimed that he had canceled it to satisfy his vote bank.

“The biggest loss because of this has happened to the youth…we may have political differences, but no one has the right to destroy the future of the people,” Modi said.

Karnataka has become a victim of the Congress model of governance under which they have committed a big sin by indulging in corruption and multi-crore scams, he said.

Accusing the Congress of creating a number of fake beneficiaries of government schemes in the name of the downtrodden, and saying it was their model of corruption, the Prime Minister said, “They have mastered corruption. Our government has removed about 10 million of these fakes. names of the beneficiaries and put a lock on their corruption (in Congress).

The number of fake beneficiaries on paper was more than the total population of Karnataka, and the money came from the state exchequer, he claimed. “They used to spoof trillions of money with fake names, and that money was going to the Congressional ecosystem,” he added.

“Modi through Aadhaar and DBT has put an end to this and the money is now going to the real beneficiaries,” he continued.

Modi also accused the Congress government in Karnataka of diverting Rs 11,000 crore from the SC/ST welfare fund to its “corruption fund”. He also alleged that the Karnataka Congress was distributing the OBC reservation to its vote bank for the sake of appeasement.

Asserting that 'Modi' is the name to guarantee security and development of the country, the Prime Minister said: “It's Modi, you have seen me for 10 years… For me, the security of my countrymen is my top priority.”




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