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Visit of Xi Jinping to France: Hugo, Stendahl, Balzac the Chinese president avid reader of the classics of French literature

Visit of Xi Jinping to France: Hugo, Stendahl, Balzac the Chinese president avid reader of the classics of French literature


the essential
When reporting on Xi Kinping's visit to France, the Chinese press spoke of his interest in French literature.

We knew Jacques Chirac's attraction to China and Asia. We are less aware of Xi Jinping's attraction to France. on the occasion of the Chinese president's state visit to France, this passion irrigated the Chinese press, most of which dailies relayed an article signed Xinhua, the press agency founded by the Chinese Communist Party, titled “the Xi's deep appreciation for French culture helps advance bilateral trade. »

Touched by an episode of Les Misrables

“Every time President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year speech, the shelves of his office inside the Zhongnanhai Compound are studied by curious bookworms across the country and the world. As the camera pans, attentive viewers can see that his collection contains quintessential French masterpieces, including The Spirit of Laws, Les Misrables, The Red and the Black and The Human Comedy,” says the article which quotes Xi himself. “I developed a keen interest in French culture and particularly French history, philosophy, literature and art when I was a young man,” Xi Jinping confided.

“He is an avid reader and his extensive reading has helped shape his overall perspective. During his teenage years in the late 1960s, Xi, an “educated youth,” was sent to Liangjiahe, a poor village on China's Lss Plateau, so that he could “learn from the peasants.” Amidst the hardships of rural life, reading became Xi's spiritual comfort and he consumed all the literary classics he could find in the hamlet; among them The Red and The Black,” continues the very laudatory article.

“The Red and the Black by Stendhal is very influential. But when it comes to depicting the intricacies of the world, the works of Balzac and Maupassant are the best, for example Balzac's La Comédie humaine,” the Chinese president said.

“The classic books of French luminaries made such a deep impression on Xi that he often cited them, particularly the words of Victor Hugo, in his speeches,” states the article, which indicates that Xi Jinping was particularly touched by a episode of Les Miserables “when Bishop Myriel helped Jean Valjean and encouraged him to be a better man. »

We understand better why, while visiting Nice in 2019, Xi Jinping was touched to receive a copy of the original French version of Confucius, which inspired Montesquieu and Voltaire. This time, Emmanuel Macron offered his guest a less literary gift: a bottle of French Cognac, the spirit the subject of an anti-dumping investigation launched by the Chinese authorities.

Beyond Xi Jinping's literary francophilia, the Chinese press has placed more emphasis on consensual cultural and economic exchanges (such as the green economy, digital technology or artificial intelligence) than on subjects of friction.

“Xi visits Paris and urges France and the EU to adopt a positive China policy,” headlined the Shanghai Daily yesterday with its front page, a full-page photo of Xi alone. “Chinese-European cooperation is in essence complementary and mutually beneficial and the two sides have broad common interests and a broad space for cooperation in the green and digital transition,” the daily said.




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