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La Jornada: United Kingdom: The Harvest of Hate

La Jornada: United Kingdom: The Harvest of Hate
La Jornada: United Kingdom: The Harvest of Hate



Last Monday, a 17-year-old boy broke into a dance class in Southport, England, murdered three girls, stabbed eight other minors, five of whom were seriously injured, and injured two adults who tried to stop him. After the young man's arrest, rumors spread on social media that he was an immigrant who had recently arrived in the United Kingdom on a boat like those used by thousands of people to cross the Channel in search of asylum.

Although the lie was denied by the authorities and the identity of the attacker was even revealed, although he was a minor, thousands of far-right supporters took this as a pretext to take to the streets and lead violent riots during which they attacked elements. the police, vandalized businesses and set fire to vehicles. The slogans of these hordes revolve around xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia, and there has already been at least one attempted attack on a mosque.

No one can be surprised by the fascist irruption: it is the predictable, and perhaps inevitable, result of decades of ideological and media intoxication against irregular migration. It is very revealing, for example, that one of the most repeated cries of racist groups is Stop the boats! (Stop the boats [o barcos]!), one of the mottos of the Conservative government that ended this year, as well as a central flag in former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's failed campaign to remain in power.

Sunak has repeatedly promised his constituents that he will do whatever it takes to stop the boats, and it was only in January this year that the Home Office issued the following statement. UK government action to stop boats in 2023in which he boasts of operations as despicable as the recruitment of multinationals Uber Eats, Deliveroo and Just Eat to arrest undocumented immigrants who earned their living by delivering goods to homes.

Sunak himself, along with his predecessor Boris Johnson, transferred asylum seekers to floating prisons on ships converted into detention centers, a policy they had intended to generalize but were forced to back down because what rights advocates had warned them about happened to humans: overcrowding and overcrowding. An unhealthy environment led to the rapid spread of infectious diseases. Both were also the promoters of the infamous plan to send irregular migrants to Rwanda, regardless of their origin or the fact that the African country did not have the capacity to receive them, in flagrant violation of international treaties on asylum and refuge.

The former leaders and legislators of the Conservative Party cannot ignore this fascist irruption, even if they try to present themselves as moderates, indifferent to the extremism that has taken to the streets. They are the ones who aligned themselves with the openly xenophobic sectors to approve the exit from the European Union (Brexit), one of the main motivations of which was the fallacious and racist argument that Community laws were the cause of the arrival of migrants. The fact that the epidemic occurred when Conservatism had already been expelled from Downing Street is an example of how the hatred sown by the right continues to deteriorate the social fabric long after it has officially left power, and imposes on the Labour administration the challenge of rebuilding tolerance and plurality. without which a democracy cannot exist.




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