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PTI marks Imran's year in jail with Swabi jalsa – Pakistan

PTI marks Imran's year in jail with Swabi jalsa – Pakistan


SWABI: As its founder Imran Khan completed a year in jail, the PTI and its allies staged a massive show of force in Swabi on Monday demanding the release of former prime ministers.

The Jalsa was held in Shahmansoor Town and PTI leaders and workers from across the country participated in the event despite the heat. PTI workers waved party flags and held portraits of Imran Khan, demanding that the government immediately release their leader.

In their speeches, PTI leaders said that they have launched the campaign for the release of Imran Khan and will hold rallies in different cities including Islamabad and Lahore.

They asked the party supporters to be ready for upcoming rallies in Islamabad, Lahore and other cities of Punjab to maintain pressure on the federal government. According to PTI leaders, the public rally in Islamabad will be held in the last week of August or the first week of September.

If we reduce the pressure, it will mean that we will have lost the initiative for which we have made many sacrifices, PTI leader Asad Qaiser said.

Advocate Gohar said they had launched the struggle for the release of their leader, who was imprisoned along with his wife Bushra Bibi in false cases. He alleged that the federal government had used various tactics to tarnish Mr Khan's image and popularity, but the government could not break their momentum.

The PTI leader said the judiciary should be independent for the judiciary to function, adding that interference in judicial and political matters must end.

Mahmood Khan Achakzai, who heads the Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party and an opposition alliance led by the PTI, said there was a need to restore the rule of law and constitutional supremacy in the country. He said Imran Khan was right in saying that there was a need for genuine independence and that this idea was supported by Mr Khan.

“We are fighting for the supremacy of parliament in the country. Every institution must work in accordance with its constitutional role, and the government elected by the people must act according to the wishes and interests of the masses,” he said, adding that there was no more room for rigged elections.

Addressing the gathering, Omar Ayub said that he wanted to convey a message to PTI workers from Imran Khan about the army.

Imran Khan said that PML-N was trying to create a rift between the nation and Pakistan Army but such an attempt would be foiled by PTI leaders with full determination, Ayub said.

He added that PTI leaders and workers were being arrested by intelligence agencies without any reason and PTI wanted this practice to stop.

In his speech, KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur said that Islamabad belongs to all provinces and no one can stop them from holding a public rally there. He called for Imran Khan's unconditional release, saying he had done nothing wrong.

Anwar Iqbal adds from Washington: In a separate protest held just outside the US Capitol, PTI supporters in the US called on Washington to reconsider its current stance towards Islamabad and support their efforts to restore democracy in Pakistan.

Speaking at the protest, former Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly Qasim Suri recalled that when the PTI had organised nationwide protests on August 5, 2019 against India, retired General Qamar Bajwa, the then army chief, had congratulated them. “Today, we are being called traitors just because we are demanding our democratic rights,” he noted.

He expressed concern over the imprisonment of Imran Khan, Yasmin Rashid and other PTI leaders on what he described as fabricated charges. Suri called on the US administration and international human rights organisations to demand their release.

Published in Dawn, August 6, 2024




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