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BEIJING, China, Aug. 21 — President Xi Jinping on Tuesday praised Chinese Olympic athletes for their performance and sportsmanship at the 33rd Summer Olympic Games in Paris, saying they have shown the world the country's openness, inclusiveness and progress as well as the ambition, courage and confidence of the Chinese people.

“The motherland and the people are proud of you and applaud you,” Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said during a meeting with the Chinese Olympic delegation to the Paris Olympics at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

China won 91 medals at the Paris Olympics, including 40 gold medals. It tied with the United States for the most gold medals at the Games, marking the country's best performance at an overseas Olympics.

At 3:20 p.m. Tuesday, Xi and other Chinese leaders arrived among the delegation members. He shook hands with some of them, chatted with them and had his photo taken with the delegation.

The President highlighted the unity, tenacity and exceptional performance of the delegation at the Paris Olympic Games, warmly congratulating them and extending his best regards to those working in the sports sector across the country.

Xi stressed that the outstanding performance of the Chinese sports delegation will promote the Chinese sports spirit and the Olympic spirit.

Sportsmanship and ethics

He praised the delegation for upholding sportsmanship and ethics, winning respect and recognition from all, and presenting a positive image of China in the new era. He said Chinese athletes have won gold medals in terms of competition, ethics and behavior.

Xi stressed that the outstanding achievements of the Chinese sports delegation not only demonstrate the progress of China's sports development, but also reflect the achievements of China's modernization, fully demonstrating China's strength in the new era.

He said a strong nation leads to a strong sports sector, attributing China's success to the continued enhancement of comprehensive national strength and advanced technological support provided to sports training.

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China's establishment as a major sports country in the world and a strong Olympic nation fundamentally relies on the continuous enhancement of comprehensive national strength, Xi said.

The modernization drive of the new era aimed at advancing the building of a strong country and national rejuvenation will undoubtedly provide better conditions and give strong impetus to the development of China's sports industry, he added.

Continuous improvement

Xi urged the delegation members to maintain their ethical standards and sportsmanship in the upcoming Olympic cycle, stressing the importance of continuous improvement, talent development and high-quality preparations for future competitions.

He encouraged them to enhance their overall competitiveness and promote national fitness and youth sports, thereby further contributing to building a strong sports nation.

China has become one of the world's most competitive sporting nations in recent decades, making breakthroughs in various disciplines at the Paris Olympics, including tennis, boxing and swimming.

Chinese tennis player Zheng Qinwen made history after beating Croatian Donna Vekic to become the country's first athlete to win a tennis singles gold medal.

In rhythmic gymnastics, China became the first non-European country to finish top of the group event at the Games, taking first place just ahead of Israel and Italy.

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