All about Bushra Bibi, wife of Imran Khan and central figure in the protests in Pakistan
Pakistan saw serious unrest this week, with supporters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan defying government-imposed lockdowns and violent police opposition to demand the release of the imprisoned founder of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). The face of one of the biggest protests in Pakistan's history was Bushra Khan, the third wife of cricketer-turned-politician Khan.
Bushra Khan entered the capital Islamabad this week with thousands of PTI supporters who broke through heavy security barricades. Riding atop a truck, she addressed the public near the historic D-Chowk Square, also called Democracy Chowk, and promised to stage a sit-in until Khan was released.
“You all must promise that until Khan is with us, you will not leave D-Chowk,” Ms. Bushra said in her first public address.
His insistence on holding the protest at a centralized location near the country's parliament, despite Imran Khan's instructions to gather in Islamabad's suburbs, underlines his growing active role in the PTI's strategy, Reuters reported citing officials of the party.
Ms Brusha had to flee to the PTI stronghold of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province after a massive police crackdown on PTI supporters following days of deadly clashes between protesters and authorities, party officials added .
The PTI temporarily suspended protests on Wednesday after Pakistani security forces carried out a midnight raid on supporters.
About Bushra Khan
Born Bushra Riaz Watto, Ms Khan took her husband's surname after her marriage. Imran Khan and his supporters called her Bushra Bibi or Bushra Begum, titles which denote respect. She is believed to have come from a landowning family in Punjab, but little is known about her childhood.
Ms Khan, who is in her 40s, has kept a low profile since marrying Mr Khan in a secret ceremony in 2018. It was the former prime minister's third marriage and his second. Bushra had been married for around 30 years. The couple was accused of not respecting the waiting period imposed by Islam after Bushra Bibi's previous marriage. However, the conviction was overturned by a court this year.
Ms. Khan usually appears in public wearing a flowing black or white abaya or dress and her face is covered by a veil. She is also a devotee of Fariduddin Masud Ganjshakar, or Baba Farid, a revered Muslim mystic whose shrine is located in her ex-husband's hometown of Pakpattan in Punjab.
It is not known when or how she met Mr Khan, but according to former aide Aun Chaudhry, the former prime minister was very impressed by her spirituality. However, her husband's opponents accuse him of practicing witchcraft, a claim his aides have repeatedly denied.
Ms Khan was jailed for nine months in connection with a case involving the illegal sale of state gifts. She was released from prison in October.
The rise of Bushra Bibi
Pakistan has a rich legacy of women rallying support for detained loved ones and taking on important roles in their parties, such as Benazir Bhutto, the country's first female prime minister. After her father Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was imprisoned and executed in 1979 during the military regime of the late General Zia-ul-Haq, the young Ms. Bhutto used to speak out defiantly in support of the former president.
Similarly, without officially holding office, Ms. Khan, who had previously remained in the shadow of Imran Khan, has now become a de facto leader of the PTI, according to Mazhar Abbas, a journalist and political analyst. “Her posture is different and even the government is also targeting her,” Mr. Abbas was quoted as saying by Reuters.
However, according to PTI spokesperson Zulfikar Bukhari, Bushra Bibi still wanted to lead a private life. “If she has taken the lead in this protest, it is on the orders of Imran Khan and the people will obviously rally behind her because she is the wife of Imran Khan,” he said, adding that his imprisonment of almost a year earned him the admiration of his supporters who helped to mobilize numerous demonstrators.
The popular support for her has not gone unnoticed by the ruling coalition in Pakistan. Without naming her, the South Asian country's interior minister, Mohsin Naqvi, told media that she was “the only woman” behind the destruction during this week's protests. He also said the root cause of the unrest was a “hidden hand”.
Although it remains to be seen how the PTI would regroup, some analysts said Bushra would likely continue to act as a rallying figure while Mr Khan remains behind bars.
“Placing Bibi at the forefront of these protests is a politically savvy move, due to her relationship with Khan. It gives her a level of authenticity that will appeal to protesters and will strengthen their commitment to the cause,” Michael said Kugelman, director of the association. Wilson Center South Asia Institute.
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