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Eagles post strong performance at TCU Invitational

Eagles post strong performance at TCU Invitational


The Florida Gulf Coast University beach volleyball team battled three nationally ranked teams Friday at the TCU Invitational in Fort Worth, Texas.

The Eagles (10-13) fell by 4-1 scores to No. 11 Arizona State (13-3), No. 4Texas Christian University (16-2) and No. 14 Washington (9-8). Senior Trinity Rosales earned her 70e won his career today and is now FGCU's second all-time leader in wins Kacie Johnson who reached 70 wins on March 1.

“When you play three games in a day, all against ranked teams, you can really see what your team is made of,” said the head coach.Chris Sweat. “We fought in every set and forced extra points in more than half of them.

“The ball didn't bounce our way today and our opponents did a great job staying ahead of us. I like our progress and know the best is yet to come.”

Shelby Beisner and Rosales represented the Eagles well, defeating ASU's No. 1 pair of Anya Pemberton and Daniella Kensinger 18-21, 21-14, 22-20. Kaitlyn Luebbers And Nicole de Oliveira went through three sets before falling 18-21, 21-18, 15-13.

The pair would then give FGCU its only point against the Horned Frogs on court No. 3. The duo won the first set 21-19 and trailed 12-11 in the second before the match ended due to a medical disqualification.

Kacie Johnson And Emma Soncrant won their first set with a battle of 24-22 before dropping the next two, 21-16, 15-12. Skylar English And Sydney Majick also rallied for three sets, but dropped their match 16-21, 21-14, 15-11.

Beisner and Rosales showed up for the Green & Blue versus the Vikings, earning a 16-21, 21-15, 15-9 win on court No. 1 against Piper Monk-Heidrich and Lauren Wilcock. Luebbers and De Oliveria took their first set 21-18, but fell 21-13 and 15-12 to end the three-day match.

The Eagles will take on No. 13 FIU on Saturday at 10 a.m

FGCU 1, No. 11 OUTFIT 4

1 Shelby Beisner And Trinity Rosales (FGCU) Certainly. Anya Pemberton and Daniella Kensinger (ASU)18-21 21-14 22-20
2 Arden Besecker and Ava Williamson (ASU) final. Kacie Johnson And Emma Soncrant (FGCU) 21-15 21-16
3 Lexi Sweeney and Taryn Ames (ASU) defend. Nicole de Oliveira And Kaitlyn Luebbers (FGCU) 18-21 21-18 15-13
4 Carys Thomas and Ava Kirunchyk (ASU) final. Jaci Timmerman And Mia Thompson (FGCU) 21-14 24-22
5 Rylie Kael and Ava Haughy (ASU) final. Skylar English And Sydney Majick (FGCU) 21-12 23-21
Order of finish: 5,4,2,3,1

FGCU 1, No. 4 TCU 4

1 Hailey Hamlett and Anhelina Khmil (TCUBVB) defend. Shelby Beisner And Trinity Rosales (FGCU) 21-14 21-17
2 Sutton MacTavish and Tara Patton (TCUBVB) final. Kacie Johnson And Emma Soncrant (FGCU) 22-24 21-16 15-12
3 Nicole de Oliveira And Kaitlyn Luebbers (FGCU) Certainly. Josie Sek and Luana Araco (TCUBVB) 21-19 12-11
4 Anete Namike and Hallie Corinne Frist (TCUBVB) final. Jaci Timmerman And Mia Thompson (FGCU) 21-10 21-16
5 Ana Vergara and Olivia Clines (TCUBVB) final. Skylar English And Sydney Majick (FGCU) 16-21 21-14 15-11
Order of finishing: 4,5,1,3,2

FGCU 1, No. 14 Washington 4

1 Shelby Beisner And Trinity Rosales (FGCU) Certainly. Piper Monk-Heidrich and Lauren Wilcock (UW)16-21 21-15 15-9
2 Zoey Henson and Magdalena Rabitsch (UW) def. Kacie Johnson And Emma Soncrant (FGCU) 21-17 23-21
3 Scarlett Dahl and Kendall Mather (UW) def. Nicole de Oliveira And Kaitlyn Luebbers (FGCU) 18-21 21-13 15-12
4 Kierstyn Barton def. Jaci Timmerman And Mia Thompson (FGCU) 26-24 21-18
5 Brooke Balue and Sarah Wilcock (UW) final. Skylar English And Sydney Majick (FGCU) 21-11 21-14
Order of finishing: 5,4,2,3,1




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