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IPL 2024: Indian cricket hits new low with unreal Hardik Pandya toxicity, through no fault of his | Cricket

IPL 2024: Indian cricket hits new low with unreal Hardik Pandya toxicity, through no fault of his |  Cricket


“Our country is not obsessed with teams, it is obsessed with individuals,” 2011 World Cup winner Gautam Gambhir has often said about Indian fans on public platforms, and this obsession has now dragged them to a new low.

Hardik Pandya has been facing heat from fans across the country ever since he made his sensational move from Gujarat Titans to Mumbai Indians.  (Photo credit:
Hardik Pandya has been facing heat from fans across the country ever since he made his sensational move from Gujarat Titans to Mumbai Indians. (Photo credit:

Hardik Pandya, the India all-rounder with experience in 189 international matches, has become the biggest villain among Indian cricket fans. The 30-year-old has faced an abundance of heat from fans across the country since making his sensational move from Gujarat Titans to Mumbai Indians in the Indian Premier League. Hardik returned to MI after proving his captaincy at GT for a few seasons, and as a result, the MI management decided to bet on a new horse to lead them into the future.

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Rohit Sharma, who led MI to five titles, was replaced by Hardik as captain overnight to accommodate Hardik as the new man in charge, a move that did not irritate Indian and MI fans in any way . But was it Hardik's fault? No… the man led his previous franchise to one title and a second-place finish, so it's common sense. And who in their right frame of mind would turn down a promotion like leading the most successful IPL team of all time? It was simple. MI made Pandya a deal he couldn't refuse. Nobody would do that.

But it turns out fans have yet to come to terms with it. They have stooped to a new low by using derogatory derogatory terms on 90,000 people in the same location. where he was cheered two years ago.

The toxicity of fans has reached a peak and added a whole new layer to the 'Rohit vs Hardik' saga, which as far as you know isn't even true. The obsession towards an individual has forced them to spit poison on one of their own. He is the same man who joined MI in 2015 and after making great strides, not only made his debut for India but also became a household name in Indian cricket.

Some have also compared Hardik's transfer to that of Luis Figo from Barcelona to Real Madrid in 2000. The Portuguese winger, who was Barça's poster child, joined arch-rivals Real in the summer of 2000 for a then world record fee of 60 million euros. 54 million). When Figo returned to play his first match at Camp Nou in a Real Madrid shirt, he was not welcomed at all. The fans shouted: “That Figo!” When Figo wanted to take another corner kick, a fan threw a pig's head onto the field.

But is it fair to compare Figo's transfer with Hardik's? Figo joined a direct arch rival and the rivalry between Barcelona and Real Madrid is not new in the sporting world. The two Spanish giants have been battling each other for decades, both on and off the field.

When it comes to Hardik, he was not retained by Mumbai Indians before IPL 2022 due to retention restrictions, and Gujarat Titans, who joined the league, cashed in. He was appointed skipper and created absolute magic during his first stint under the tutelage of Ashish Nehra. But not once during his two-year stint did Hardik ever have any bad blood for MI for not retaining him. He even attended their owner's parties despite being the Titans skipper.

Facts over emotions

MI, who last won an IPL title in 2020, decided to move on from Rohit Sharma, the icon who led them to five IPL titles. But looking at Rohit's personal form in the last two years, the writing was on the wall. The last time Rohit had a season with an average of more than 30 was in 2016, when he scored 489 runs in 14 games. And in 2021, 2022 and '23, Rohit scored just three half-centuries. The swashbuckling opener deserves all the love and respect for what he has done for MI as captain, but it is not the worst decision moving on.

Mumbai Indians have taken a bold step by replacing Rohit Sharma with Hardik Pandya as their new captain.  (PTI)
Mumbai Indians have taken a bold step by replacing Rohit Sharma with Hardik Pandya as their new captain. (PTI)

Hardik's reaction is unreal and unfair. He returned to a franchise where his career began. It made him who he is today. The rivalry between MI and GT is nothing like Barcelona-Real Madrid or Manchester United-Liverpool. Titans is a two-year-old franchise and there have been players in the past who have made the MI-CSK switch, the 'El Classico' of the IPL. But no one has faced the kind of rejection that Hardik is facing now at a crucial time in his career and for Indian cricket.

Immediately after the IPL, Hardik will represent the same fans with the Indian team in the T20 World Cup in the US and West Indies. There is no denying that Hardik plays a crucial role in ensuring that the Indian squad achieves the right balance for major tournaments. India has keenly felt the absence of this fast bowling all-rounder in numerous ICC events. Currently, Hardik is the best available option for India in this regard.

A few years ago, the star all-rounder faced a situation where the world turned against him due to certain misogynistic comments made in a chat show. He publicly apologized and was banned for his behavior. Despite people turning against him, Hardik thrived under the pressure and once again became an integral part of the team during the 2019 ODI World Cup. Hardik knows well, “When your back is against the wall, break the damn then bargain,” and the more pressure he is under, the more likely he is to knock it out of the park with such ferocity.




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