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Wildcats resume BIG EAST play with Trip to Creighton

Wildcats resume BIG EAST play with Trip to Creighton


OMAHA, born — Villanova softball returns to the diamond this weekend for a three-game series, heading to Omaha for a trio of games with the Creighton Bluejays. Due to rain in the area later in the weekend, Sunday's game was canceled and Friday became a twin bill.


It's another repeat of the series between Villanova and Creighton, exactly 10 years to the day of the first BIG EAST fight between these two sides. VU leads the all-time series 15-10 with a six-game lead in conference battles, although Creighton emerged victorious in the only nonleague game in 2006. The Wildcats have dominated of late, posting wins in the last six matchups after sweeps in both 2022 and 2023. Creighton's last wins over VU came in 2019 when the Jays won the final two games to clinch the series. The series is dead even if played in Omaha, as each team has six wins at the Creighton Sports Complex despite Villanova winning all three during the 2022 campaign.


As has become tradition under the head coach Bridget Boomgaard and hitting coach Gabby Luety, the Wildcats are built on power. So far in 2024, Villanova has shot 37 dingers, which ranks fifth in program history for a single season with 18 games remaining. The 'Cats average 1.16 home runs per game, leading the conference and 24th in the nation. And it's coming from everyone, with five players carrying five or more bombs and first career tanks coming off the bats of four Wildcats. Villanova's power came to a head in the 17-5 win over Providence on March 17, where five players sent balls out of the yard.


It has the chance to be a historic weekend for the Wildcats, as an 11-0 start in BIG EAST play is well within reach and would mark the best conference start in Villanova history. At 9-0, the 'Cats are already in the midst of the second-best start to a league season they've ever had, trailing 7-0 in 2004 and trailing just 10-0 in the 2001 season. With wins in the first two games of the series, the 2024 Villanova squad can etch its name in the record books for the best BIG EAST start in program history, but the 21-15 Creighton Bluejays will have something to say about it.


  • The Bluejays enter the weekend ranked third in the BIG EAST standings, with an overall record of 21-15 for the highest win-loss percentage in the league and six wins in nine conference games.
  • Creighton has won two of its three BIG EAST series to date, taking two of three from St. John's and beating Georgetown, while dropping a pair to Seton Hall, which swept Villanova to win the competition to start.
  • The Jays have a trio of hitters hitting over .300 with starts in all 36 games: Cayla Nielsen, Madeline Vejvoda and Lily West. The club's home run leader with eight is freshman Sydney Potter, who also tops the BIG EAST in dingers.
  • CU has a pair of pitchers with appearances in more than half of the team's games this year, sophomore righty Natalia Puchino and Wichita State transfer Kenzie Schopfer. Puchino leads the conference in shutouts (three) and wins (14), while Schopfer surrenders just a .239 average.

Links to live stats for each of this week's games can be found atvillanova.statbroadcast.comand all three matches will be broadcastFloSoften.

Stay up to date with Villanova University's softball program through social media by following it on Twitter (@VUSoftbal) and Instagram(@novasoftball) and 'like' on Facebook (/VUSoftball).




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