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Neighbors are against the plan for a watering hole for cricket clubs

Neighbors are against the plan for a watering hole for cricket clubs


Blackwood Town Cricket Club credit CCBC

Nicholas Thomas Local democracy reporter

A cricket club has launched a controversial bid to expand its outdoor drinking area.

Several neighbors of Blackwood Town Cricket Club have objected, fearing it will lead to bad behavior on the border of their properties, saying there had been problems before.

The cricket club's leadership acknowledged the need to keep the house in order, but said Blackwood Town played an important role in the community and expanding the outdoor space would allow members to better enjoy matches.

At a meeting of Caerphilly Councils' licensing sub-committee on Friday, April 12, both the club and local residents were sympathetic to each other's views, but could not agree on the size of the new drinkers' field.

Change proposals”

During the discussions, club representative Phil Williams twice offered to reduce the area covered by the original proposal, prompting a council official to suggest the cricket club should be very clear about their future plans.

At one point, committee members considered adjourning the meeting so the council could better understand the evolving proposals.

Mr Williams told the meeting that following the pandemic, the club had decided to develop the grounds facilities as part of a five-year business plan.

But in a council report, officers suggested it was possible this application was prompted by a complaint from a local resident about alleged noise and customer behavior in August 2023.

During a visit by the licensing officer, it was determined that the club appeared to be using an outdoor area for the supply of alcohol outside the area permitted by the club premises' existing certificate, officers said in their report.


Neighbor Kevin Courcoux, speaking on behalf of residents who objected to the club's plans for a larger outdoor drinking area, said he supported the cricket club and its role in the community, but unfortunately we have had problems.

He said the litter problems in neighbours' gardens were on balance linked to the club, adding that he had installed privacy screens to hide his house from view.

Mr Williams admitted that people circulated along the border while watching matches, but rejected the idea that empty drinks cans discarded in the area came from the club.

He also refuted reports of people allegedly urinating on the floor, saying anyone who does so will be kicked out of the club, which is completely unacceptable.

Blackwood Town has already agreed to the terms proposed by the council and supported by Gwent Police, namely that an extended outdoor drinking area will only be open between April 1 and September 30 each year, and until 10pm during that season.

Mr Williams told the committee that we are very keen to work with our neighbours.

But he argued that the council's proposed drinking area should also include an area spanning a president's bench to the on-site score box.

The committee will announce its decision within five working days.

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