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Stefanos Tsitsipas dismantles Ruud and secures third Monte Carlo Masters title | Tennis

Stefanos Tsitsipas dismantles Ruud and secures third Monte Carlo Masters title |  Tennis


Stefanos Tsitsipas made short work of eighth seed Casper Ruud as he captured a third Monte Carlo Masters title in four years with a 6-1, 6-4 victory on Sunday.

The world number 12 dominated the match against his 25-year-old co-star from the start, playing six consecutive matches to wrap up the opening set in 36 minutes.

The second set was a much closer affair, but Tsitsipas proved too strong for the Norwegian as he became the first player in the professional era to win his first three Monte Carlo finals in straight sets. Tsitsipas, who handed Australian Open champion Jannik Sinner only his second defeat of the year in the semi-finals, secured his first title of 2024, for a career high of 11. The Greek joins Rafael Nadal, Bjrn Borg, Thomas Muster and Ilie Nastase as winners of at least three Monte Carlo titles.

It was very difficult. To be back on the podium and winning tournaments feels great, Tsitsipas said. I can't thank my family and friends enough for making this possible. The trinity is even more special than the first or second time. This is purely unbelievable to me. It was nerve-wracking to get that win today. I really wanted the trinity, so I got it. I am extremely happy today.

After entering the Masters 1000 event on clay with an 11-6 win-loss record going into 2024, Tsitsipas will return to the world's top 10 on Monday after dropping out earlier this year for the first time since 2019. But it was another heartbreak for former French and US Open finalist Ruud, who had stunned world No. 1 Novak Djokovic in the semi-finals. Ruud also lost the finals of Mexico and Los Cabos Open earlier this year.

I would like to congratulate Stef on winning Monte Carlo again, said Ruud. You love this tournament. Played very, very well all week. I know you fell out [the] top 10 a few weeks ago, but you're back where I think you belong. You are a fantastic player, especially on clay and Monte Carlo. Congratulations to you and your team.

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    Meanwhile, reigning champion Carlos Alcaraz has withdrawn from the Barcelona Open due to a right arm injury that also forced the Spanish world number 3 to miss Monte Carlo. The twenty-year-old two-time Grand Slam champion won the tournament in 2022 and 2023. This year he won one title, last month at Indian Wells.

    [He] has suffered from the injury suffered in Monte Carlo and did not feel good during his training on Sunday and despite trying until the last moment, he will not be present at the Barcelona Open, the organizers said on X. de Barcelona Open starts Monday and the tournament concludes next Sunday.




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