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Serdachny scores the overtime winner as Canada trails the US for women's hockey gold

Serdachny scores the overtime winner as Canada trails the US for women's hockey gold


Canada reclaimed the Women's Hockey World Cup with a measure of vengeance.

After losing last year's gold medal game to the United States on home ice in Brampton, Ontario, the Canadians turned the tables with Sunday's 6-5 victory over the USA in Utica, NY.

“Oh man, that feels good to win on American soil,” said Canadian goaltender Ann-Renee Desbiens. “We owed it to them and to ourselves to win it.”

Danielle Serdachny scored the golden goal at 5:16 of overtime on a Canadian power play. The US was caught in OT with too many players on the ice during a see-saw battle between women's hockey heavyweights.

Serdachny scored Canada's second power-play goal of the entire tournament with two seconds left in that penalty kick.

WATCH l Serdachny's power-play goal in overtime gives Canada a gold medal:

Serdachny scores golden goal in OT as Canada beats USA to win the Women's Hockey World Cup

Danielle Serdachny scored a power-play goal in overtime as Canada regained the Women's Hockey World Cup from the United States with a 6-5 win.

The 22-year-old from Edmonton backhanded a rebound on Erin Ambrose's shot through the path of American goalkeeper Aerin Frankel.

“I'm still a little bit in shock,” Serdachny said. “I was just trying to keep the goalkeeper's eyes away and the rebound came straight to me, so a bit of a lucky shot I would say, but I tried to get everything in it.

“When it hit the back of the net, I still couldn't believe it.”

Canadian captain Marie-Philip Poulin scored her first two goals of the tournament. She tied the game in the second period and gave her team a brief 5–4 lead in the third.

The 33-year-old missed three PWHL Montreal games heading into the international break and was left out of Canada's pre-tournament win over Finland with an undisclosed injury.

As Canadian head coach Troy Ryan gradually increased his captain's minutes in the tournament, Poulin was a feisty, physical force who got under the skin of opponents before getting on the scoresheet on Sunday.

“Pou will always find a way to be a difference maker,” Ryan said. “At the end of the preliminaries and in the semi-finals she impressed with a bit of gritty play with physicality and finding ways to influence the game.

“Tonight was on a whole different level. Every time we called her name, I could see in her eyes that she was ready to go. There are few athletes in the world who can perform as well in a pressure situation as she can.”

Female hockey players wearing red, black and white equipment are seen hugging as they celebrate a goal
Canadian captain Marie-Philip Poulin, second from right, scored her first two goals of the tournament in the final. The 33-year-old was forced to sit out Canada's victory over Finland with an undisclosed injury. (Adrian Kraus/The Associated Press)

Ambrose, Emily Clark and Julia Gosling also scored for Canada.

Desbiens had 19 saves in a high-scoring game that contrasted sharply with Canada's 1-0 overtime loss to the U.S. in a Group A match earlier in the tournament.

No Canadian player dominated the team's attack, with 17 different women scoring at least one goal.

Renata Fast was selected as the tournament's best defenseman by the IIHF and was also named to the all-star team in defense.

Only Canada's 7-5 win over the US in 2015 was a higher-scoring final among the 22 matches the two countries have played.

The archrivals needed overtime or a shootout to decide a gold medal for the eighth time in tournament history.

Caroline Harvey, Hilary Knight, Megan Keller, Alex Carpenter and tournament MVP Laila Edwards scored for the US. Frankel stopped 24 shots in the loss.

'Extremely skilled play'

'Three out of three [overtime]is an extremely skilled game. It opens up the ice a lot for different mistakes and unfortunately we made a mistake at the wrong time,” Knight said.

“I know we had two seconds on the clock with the kill and hats off to our penalty killers who have been absolutely outstanding all tournament. It really hurts not to be able to get over this.”

Canada won a 13th gold medal in 23 tournaments. The 2024 World Championship was the first to be held in the era of the new Professional Women's Hockey League.

Canada and the US had a combined 30 PWHL players on their rosters in Utica, with the rest coming from the NCAA.

While the gap between the North Americans and the rest of the field in Utica didn't close much, the pace and speed of the Canada-US matches kicked into high gear with more players in the midseason format.

Players on both sides said their preliminary round match was the fastest and toughest match of their lives, and high-octane hockey continued on Sunday with a gold medal on the line in front of a pro-American sellout crowd of 4,142 in the Adirondack Bank. Centre.

“The longer you stay here, the rivalry keeps developing,” said U.S. defender Megan Keller. “It's fun to be a part of it. Even a little more fun when you're on the winning side.”

Finland defeated the Czech Republic 3–2 in a shootout for the bronze medal. The 2025 Women's World Cup will be held in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic.

Canadian selection

Forward:Emily Clark, Saskatoon, Ottawa (PWHL); Sarah Fillier, Georgetown, Ont., Princeton (NCAA); Julia Gosling, London, Ontario, St. Lawrence (NCAA); Brianne Jenner, Oakville, Ont., Ottawa (PWHL); Emma Maltais, Burlington, Ont., Toronto (PWHL); Sarah Nurse, Hamilton, Toronto (PWHL); Kristin O'Neill, Oakville, Montreal (PWHL); Marie-Philip Poulin, Beauceville, Que., Montreal (PWHL); Jamie Lee Rattray, Ottawa, Boston (PWHL); Danielle Serdachny, Edmonton, Colgate (NCAA); Natalie Spooner, Toronto, PWHPA; Laura Stacey, Kleinburg, Ont., Montreal (PWHL); Blayre Turnbull, Stellarton, NS, Toronto (PWHL)

Defenders:Erin Ambrose, Keswick, Ont., Montreal (PWHL); Ashton Bell, Deloraine, Man., Ottawa (PWHL); Jaime Bourbonnais, Mississauga, Ont., New York (PWHL); Renata Fast, Burlington, Ont., Toronto (PWHL); Nicole Gosling, London, Ontario, Clarkson (NCAA); Jocelyne Larocque, Ste. Anne, MB, Toronto (PWHL); Ella Shelton, Ingersoll, ON, New York (PWHL)

Goalkeepers:Kristen Campbell, Brandon, Man., Toronto (PWHL); Ann-Renee Desbiens, Clermont, Que., Montreal (PWHL); Emerance Maschmeyer, Bruderheim, Alta., Ottawa (PWHL); Corinne Schroeder, Elm Creek, Man., New York (PWHL)




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