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No. 2 Panthers look to win the program's first conference title

No.  2 Panthers look to win the program's first conference title


HIGH POINT, NC The High Point University men's golf team is seeded second for the Big South Conference Championship, which kicks off Thursday afternoon.

Event information
April 18 – April 21 | Ocean Creek Golf Course | Fripps Island, SC
Thursday April 18 | Tee times available on the 1st and 10th | 2:10 PM
Friday April 19 | 18 holes | Tee times | 08:00
Saturday April 20 | 18 holes | Tee times | 08:00
Sunday April 21 | Match play | 08:00
Live stats

Radford, Longwood, Winthrop, Charleston Southern, Presbyterian, Gardner-Webb, USC Upstate

HPU head coach Todd Eckstein: “I'm really proud of all the ways our boys have grown this year. I feel like our process has gotten so much better over the course of the spring semester and I think we've been tested in all the tough weather conditions we could think of. “I think the guys in our line-up have to have a lot of confidence in their abilities, but more importantly in the process that got us here, and hopefully we get the results this weekend.”

High Point is no stranger to challenging competition and difficult weather, as the team has taken on both challenges simultaneously in a number of spring tournaments this year. The challenging slate has toughened the Panthers and will likely set them up for success. Redshirt senior Gregor Meijer spoke about the challenges the team has faced and how it will help them during the conference tournament.

“The team is feeling good,” Meyer said. “We've played in tough conditions. I think it's made us mentally desensitized when we're faced with tough decisions and situations. We've had to deal with strong wind conditions that will prove to help us on Fripp Island. These courses have made us uncomfortable at But our uncomfortable feeling has made us more resilient, more tactical and more present.”

High Point won't see any Power 5 teams at the Big South Championships, but that doesn't mean the Panthers won't be challenged by the teams in attendance. HPU earned the No. 2 seed with 181 points, while Radford University secured the No. 1 seed with 147 points. Longwood University and Winthrop University will also be notable challengers. Both teams are below the Panthers by 192 points and 202 points, respectively.

High Point's experience competing against top-ranked teams during the spring should help the team maintain focus and control when faced with challenges during the championship tournament.

“The biggest challenge will be to keep our focus on what we can control,” Meyer said. “There is a lot of pressure to perform. Maintaining a good attitude, being confident in your abilities and accepting results will be something we focus on this week. It will be easy to lose focus on the task at hand if There's a championship at stake. We want to take on these challenges and get a win!”

Meyer retains the lone spot for the Panthers and will tee off on hole one at 2:10 p.m Fred Roberts IV will be next, followed by Grady Newton, Charlie BarrAnd Miller Carr. Freshmen Jay Smith will attend the tournament, as will an alternate.

1 Radford (147)
2 Highlight (181)
3 Longwood (192)
4 Winthrop (202)
5 Charleston South (214)
6 Presbyterian (223)
7 Gardner-Webb (225)
8 USC Upstate (269)





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