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Vanderbilt men's tennis record, advances to quarterfinals

Vanderbilt men's tennis record, advances to quarterfinals


GAINESVILLE, Fla. Florida Gators Men's Tennis defeated the Vanderbilt Commodores in the first round of the SEC Championship Tournament, 4-2. The win sends the Gators to the quarterfinals of the 23 tournamentrd consecutive year.

How it happened

The Gators dropped the doubles point to start the match, dropping sets on courts one and two. Vanderbilt took a 3-1 lead at one and two, and would maintain those margins for the rest of the set, with Vandy's Casabon/Cox winning court one 6-4 and Klopper/Ross winning court two 6-2.

In singles play Tanapatt Nirundorn collected the first point for Florida, beating Michael Ross of Vanderbilt on court five. After trailing 2-0 in the second set, Nirundorn won six of the seven games to finish the set, and his opponent, with a 6-3 scoreline. Nirundorn extends his streak of singles matches without a loss to seven straight matches, including five wins in that stretch.

Nate Bonetto shined in his return to the court at three positions, dominating Vanderbilt's Jeremy Casabon to a 6-4, 6-3 score. The first set was a battle, but Bonetto secured an early break point and maintained his lead to take a first set win. In set two, the junior was able to claim a 3-0 lead to open, and he kept that margin to seal Florida's second point.

Adhitya Ganesan took Florida's first lead of the match with its 7-5, 6-1 on court four. Ganesan went game by game before securing a late break point to take a 6-5 lead and hold serve to win set one. He kept that momentum going and ran away with the second set, closing his match with an impressive 6-1 second set.

Aidan Kim opened the singles match by dropping a 3-6 first set to Nathan Cox of Vanderbilt. Kim returned with a vengeance, scoring an easy 6-2 second set to force a third. Kim again ran away with the set and eventually led 5-1 in set three. Cox fought valiantly to reach a 5-4 scoreline before Kim held serve to claim court two and a 4-2 match victory to send Florida to the quarterfinals

Next one

The Gators will face Tennessee in the quarterfinals of the SEC Championship Tournament. The match kicks off at 3:00 PM ET in Baton Rouge. Tennessee claimed victory over the Gators this season on March 10, when Tennessee claimed a 6-1 win in Knoxville.

From Head Coach Adam Steinberg
About the game and his team's comeback victory

“It's like the expression 'survive and advance.' That's exactly what we did. That's a very good team, they're very strong, they make a lot of shots. We knew that was the first time for a lot of these guys, playing in the postseason, which I'm proud of. After doubles, we're in five of the six singles matches, we're there. Great effort, great, hard-fought win. We're looking forward to playing tomorrow.


Singles competition
1. #61 Danil Panarin (VUM) def. #52 Jeremy Jin (UF) 6-3, 6-1
2. Aidan Kim (UF) final Nathan Cox (VUM) 3-6, 6-2, 6-4
3. Nate Bonetto (UF) final Jeremy Casabon (VUM) 6-4, 6-3
4. Adhitya Ganesan (UF) final Joubert Klopper (VUM) 7-5, 6-1
5. Tanapatt Nirundorn (UF) final Michael Ross (VUM) 6-4, 6-3
6. Kevin Edengren (UF) vs. Hugo Coquelin (VUM) 6-1, 5-7, 5-1, unfinished

Doubles competition
1. Jeremy Casabon/Nathan Cox (VUM) def. #23 Nate Bonetto/Aidan Kim (UF) 6-4
2. Joubert Klopper/Michael Ross (VUM) def. #69 Tanapatt Nirundorn/Adhitya Ganesan (UF) 6-2
3. Kevin Edengren/Jeremy Jin (UF) vs. Danil Panarin/Hugo Coquelin (VUM) 4-4, unfinished

Match Notes:
Vanderbilt Men's Tennis 13-12; National ranking #40
Florida 13-10; National Ranking #25
Order of finish: Doubles (2,1); Singles (1,5,3,4,2)


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