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The 5 Biggest Men's Sunglasses Trends of 2024

The 5 Biggest Men's Sunglasses Trends of 2024


If there's one accessory I always love, always I have on me, these are sunglasses. When I leave the house, the check goes to “phone, wallet, keys, sunglasses,” because sunglasses are just as essential as anything I need to have with me in any situation. Even if it rains, even if it's cloudy, even if it's the night, sunglasses are a must, because as soon as you put them on, you look cooler. I don't set the rules; it's just a reality.

You need sunglasses on a sunny day, and you need them when you want to be incognito (like when you're at a function your ex is attending and you don't want him to see you seeing them). And you better have a stylish pair, because if you make the fashion faux pas of wearing old, outdated sunglasses, it'll all be for naught, and you'd be better off without them anyway.

Lucky for you, we've rounded up the top five sunglasses trends of the year, with our favorite sunglasses for each one. There are those who will never go out of fashion, like aviators, and those who are back with style, like the ultra-thin sunglasses of the 90s (think Brad Pitt). There are oversized sunglasses to make you feel like a movie star and wraparound sunglasses for a sleek, sporty, futuristic look. And when you want to embody your 70s glam rock personality or just have a little more fun in the sun, opt for a pair of sunglasses with tinted lenses. There is nothing wrong with any of these choices; don't forget to collect them before leaving the house.

Wraparound sunglasses

It's like you combined the vibe of Neo from The matrix and your favorite athlete. Wraparounds are sporty, sleek and damn stylish. It's a style that instantly elevates any streetwear look, whether you opt for a pair with funky frames or go the classic, athletic route. Oh, and one more thing to consider: the farther they wrap, the better.

Rick D-frame acetate sunglasses

Rick Owens Rick Owens D-Frame Acetate Sunglasses

Lightning wraparound sunglasses

Under Armor Blitzing Wrap Sunglasses

Xan bio-based sunglasses

Ray-Ban Xan bio-based sunglasses

Heliostat sunglasses

Oakley Heliostat Sunglasses

Turner Sunglasses

Burberry Turner Sunglasses

Bologna wraparound acetate sunglasses

Bologna Off-White Acetate Wraparound Sunglasses

Oversized Sunglasses

The “I don’t care, but I’m glam” sunglasses. It's for when you want to feel like an A-list celebrity or a rapper who gets papped when it's dark or when you just want to add some extra flair to your cut. They work for almost any occasion.

Oversized Square Frame Acetate Sunglasses

Loewe Oversized Square Frame Acetate Sunglasses

Vintage Retro Square Sunglasses

Sojos Vintage Retro Square Sunglasses

Root cause analysis

Caddis Sunglasses for Root Cause Analysis

Wings II Sunglasses

Ray-Ban Wings II Sunglasses

Diffractor sunglasses

Moncler Diffractor Sunglasses

Now 50% off

Vicenzo metal and acetate aviator sunglasses

Tom Ford Vicenzo aviator sunglasses in metal and acetate

Thin sunglasses

You know how you see pictures of guys like Brad Pitt and David Beckham from the late '90s and early 2000s and you're like, “Damn, he looks cool”? Yeah, you can thank thin sunglasses for that. These little frames are back in a big way these days, with everyone from models to actors wearing them.

10 black sunglasses

Chimi 10 black sunglasses

Belvedere square-frame sunglasses in gold and silver-tone acetate

Jacques Marie Mage Belvedere square-frame sunglasses in gold and silver-tone acetate

Rectangular Acetate Frame Sunglasses

Rectangular-frame acetate sunglasses Givenchy Eyewear

Rectangular sunglasses

Sojos rectangular sunglasses

Now 25% off

Narrow Rectangular Sunglasses

Narrow Rectangular Sunglasses SA106

Teru bio-based sunglasses

Ray-Ban Teru bio-based sunglasses

Aviator sunglasses

Honestly, I doubt aviators will ever go out of style. They make every guy look cool! For this Harrison Ford-esque, Airbenders aesthetic, buy a pair below.

Aviator sunglasses

Calvin Klein aviator sunglasses

Aviator sunglasses

Ray-Ban aviator sunglasses

Aviator frame sunglasses

Bottega Veneta Frame Aviator Sunglasses

Trailbreaker aviator sunglasses

Le Specs Trailbreaker Aviator Sunglasses

Metal frame sunglasses 01

Celine Men's Metal Frame 01 Sunglasses

Tinted sunglasses

When I tell you that I haven't been to a fashion industry event in the last six months without seeing a guy in tinted sunglasses (inside, mind you!), I don't do not exaggerate. These are as transitional and wearable as real glasses, and thanks to their translucent lenses, you don't need to take them off when you're indoors.

Square sunglasses

AIEYEZO square sunglasses

Rimless flat lens sunglasses

JuicyOrange Rimless Flat Lens Sunglasses

Polarized Night Vision Aviator Sunglasses

Outray Night Vision Polarized Aviator Sunglasses

Emy bio-based sunglasses

Ray-Ban Emy Biosourced Sunglasses

Jagger Aviator Titanium Sunglasses

Jacques Marie Mage Jagger Aviator-Style Titanium Sunglasses




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