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Tech-savvy former lawmaker Jamie Grant named president of Florida's new AI coalition

Tech-savvy former lawmaker Jamie Grant named president of Florida's new AI coalition


Former Rep. Jamie Grant, who also previously served as the state's chief information officer, will now serve as chair of the newly formed Coalition for the Future of Artificial Intelligence in Florida Associated Industries (AIF) Business.

Mr. Grant will lend his expertise to the coalition to help establish policy guidelines that continue to foster innovation and foster adaptation of emerging technologies in Florida.

Jamie's unique experience in the private sector, Congress, and as a state chief information officer will lead the coalition to address the rapidly expanding applications and far-reaching impact of AI, and the policies needed to properly leverage it. It will provide valuable insight. Brewster Beavis, President and CEO of AIF, commented on the power of its current and future potential.

With him helping lead this charge, the coalition will be able to thoughtfully address this evolving problem and develop policy recommendations that will help guide nations to responsibly embrace the opportunities of AI. We will be well prepared.

Grant served as the state's chief information officer from 2020 to 2023, leading Florida Digital Services. He served in Congress from 2010 to 2014 and from 2015 to 2020, with a hiatus due to glitches surrounding his 2014 re-election campaign that required litigation.

Prior to entering public service, Grant worked in the private sector for more than a decade, launching and scaling innovative technology solutions.

Grant said the impact of AI on our lives, work and economy is still in its infancy, and AIF deserves great credit for bringing the business world to the forefront of generationally important innovation. Stated.

We look forward to working with this coalition on the critical issue of building a policy framework that supports the responsible use of such powerful technology and fosters a regulatory environment that positions Florida to lead the nation. I can't do it.

AIF last week announced the formation of a coalition whose aim is to educate and engage policymakers to ensure responsible regulation, as well as to help businesses develop guidelines for responsible and innovative AI policy. He pointed out that it is about bringing the sector together.

This coalition includes AIF members and non-members, as well as AIF partner organizations.

Known as the “Voice of Florida Business,” AIF advocates for prosperity and free enterprise in all three branches of Florida government and seeks to create a pro-business economic environment in the state.

Grant earned a bachelor's degree in business administration with a minor in political science from Auburn University. He earned his law degree from Stetson University School of Law.

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