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AI enables behavioral health innovation

AI enables behavioral health innovation


Eyal Zimricman, chief transformation officer and chief innovation officer at Sheba Medical Center, will speak Monday at the HIMSS24 conference in Orlando.

Photo: Jeff Lagasse/Healthcare Finance News

ORLANDO Artificial intelligence is filling many gaps in healthcare, and one hospital in the Middle East is testing the limits of the technology in hopes of driving economic growth while improving behavioral health.

Eyal Zimricman, Chief Transformation Officer and Chief Innovation Officer at Sheba Medical Center, spoke during the session “AI Enabling Innovation Across the Global Behavioral Health Spectrum” at HIMSS24 in Orlando on Monday. session, he said that the two concepts of improving patient care and increasing economic output are complementary. It's all about innovation.

“It's important to create jobs, bring in foreign investment and collaborate with large industries,” Zimrickman said. “This is generating a lot of interest around the world.”

This was the philosophy behind ARC, an innovation platform created by Sheba Medical Center in 2019. But moving from a broad vision to actual transformation required a lot of data. Generative AI could not only analyze existing data but also generate new data. .

“We've been using machine learning to be able to react to data and make predictions,” Zimrickman said. “GenAI is about creating new data, new insights. There's huge potential here. We've already seen an avalanche of transformation over the past year.”

The first effort was to turn the DSM into an algorithm that could constantly learn and improve. Although this process is still in its early stages, it could ultimately lead to improved digital therapies through chatbots and virtual agents, and potentially inform behavioral and cognitive therapies delivered through apps.

“It's here, it's already having an impact, and we're going to see it more and more. How it intersects with AI is going to be really, really interesting.” said Zimrickman.

At Zimrickman's direction, Shiva helped spearhead an initiative called LIV, an idea to revolutionize triage, expand capabilities, and make patient care more personalized.

“We wanted to develop it to empower clinicians and enhance triage to ensure the right patients receive the right treatment, something we lack given accessibility issues. “It's a thing,” he said.

LIV was in the red in its first year, broke even in its second year, and is now on the verge of turning a profit, which is unusual for such an early stage platform. And this isn't the only AI opportunity Sheba is pursuing. Online psychiatric hospitalization is another, providing mental health support to people who will be isolated from their families while receiving behavioral health support. The hospital is also working on a digital psychiatric ward. This has been made possible by wearable sensors that provide both data and a robust dashboard to each patient, three months after his founding.

Although the last effort was too new to produce tangible results, Zimrichman is encouraged.

“This is not a brain teaser,” Zimrickman said. “This is important. To be able to solve this crisis, we need to be able to use AI. So we need to improve AI and address the challenges.”

Jeff Lagasseizeditor of Healthcare FinanceNews.Email:[email protected] FinanceNews is a HIMSSMedia publication.




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