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Google Search Console adds INP metric to Core Web Vitals report

Google Search Console adds INP metric to Core Web Vitals report


Google announced that Interaction to Next Paint (INP), a new metric for measuring website interactivity, is now included as a key element in Search Console's Core Web Vitals report.

As of March 12th, INP is replacing First Input Delay (FID) with Core Web Vital, marking a change in how Google measures user experience.

Introduced as an measure in May 2022, the INP metric captures the time between a user's page interaction (such as a button click) and the time the browser can render the resulting changes on the screen.

This approach is intended to provide a more comprehensive assessment of interactivity than FID, which only measured the time to first paint after the first user interaction.

Evolving web metrics to improve user experience

Google's Web Vitals initiative, launched in 2018, provides metrics to developers to help them optimize important aspects of the user experience. FID is one of the unique metrics introduced as part of this effort. However, over time, Google realized the limitations of FID in fully capturing interactivity, leading to the development of INP.

After a transition period as a “Pending Indicator,” INP will replace FID as Core Web Vital. This change reflects Google's continued commitment to improving the way we measure and improve the web user experience.

Adapting to INP migration

As the transition to INP approaches, web developers are encouraged to evaluate their websites' current INP performance and take steps to optimize for the new metrics.

To assess your current INP score, you can use tools like PageSpeed ​​Insights and Chrome's User Experience Report. Google recommends aiming for a “good” threshold, which represents performance in the 75th percentile of page loads.

Developers must then diagnose and address issues affecting the INP, such as long-running JavaScript tasks, excessive main thread activity, or overly complex DOM structures.

Related: Prepare for Google's INP metric with these 5 tools

Web development and its impact on search rankings

Adopting INP as a Core Web Vital has implications for web development practices and SEO.

Google has incorporated Core Web Vitals into its ranking system, and websites with high INP scores are likely to see positive changes in their search rankings and user engagement metrics.

Web development practices may evolve to prioritize optimizing interaction preparation. This may require developers to re-evaluate their application architecture, streamline code, and refine design elements to minimize interaction delays.

Related: Google Now announces ranking system uses Core Web Vitals

In summary

By replacing the FID metric with INP, Google aims to provide a more comprehensive assessment of website interactivity.

With this transition, you will be able to use Search Console to monitor your INP's performance and take steps to address issues that may impact your score.

FAQ What is Interaction to Next Paint (INP)? Why is it important? Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is a performance metric in Google's Core Web Vitals report that measures the responsiveness and interactivity of a website. This provides a more complete assessment of the user experience by capturing user actions (such as clicking a button) and the time it takes for the browser to refresh the screen to reflect that action. INP is extremely important because it gives you detailed insight into your website's performance, influencing user satisfaction and ranking in Google's search results. How can a marketer or his web developer optimize a website for INP? Optimize for INP by using tools like PageSpeed ​​Insights and Chrome's User Experience Report , evaluate your current website performance. Addresses issues that affect INP, such as minimizing long JavaScript tasks and reducing main thread activity. Consider design changes and code optimizations to reduce interaction latency and ensure a fast and smooth user experience across your site. What does moving from FID to INP as a Core Web Vital mean for SEO? Moving from First Input Delay (FID) to Interaction to Next Paint (INP) as a Core Web Vital is important for SEO. It represents Google's continued improvement in measuring user experience. Core Web Vitals are part of Google's ranking factors, so websites with high INP scores may see improved search rankings and user engagement. This transition indicates that a web developer and his SEO expert should adjust their optimization strategies to prioritize his INP and align with Google's evolving user experience standards.

Featured Image: BestForBest/Shutterstock




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