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The United Nations just passed its first resolution on AI

The United Nations just passed its first resolution on AI


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The United Nations is laying the groundwork for a global agreement on AI rules with a new U.S.-led resolution unanimously adopted this week.

This non-binding document, co-sponsored by more than 120 member states, aims to shape the development of AI in a way that promotes human rights and the organization's own development goals. Although the move lacks much specificity or enforcement, it marks the first United Nations resolution on the technology and builds on several previous efforts toward a global governance framework for AI. is based on the movement of

The resolution is the result of more than 40 hours of sessions that featured many heated conversations between the United States and adversaries such as China and Russia, an anonymous White House official told The Washington Post. Told.

The resolution calls for internationally interoperable safeguards, practices, and standards that foster innovation, prevent governance fragmentation, and close the digital divide between and within countries.

Why it matters: The resolution comes as governments around the world develop regulations aimed at curbing some of the downsides of AI, perhaps most notably the one passed this month European Union AI Law. But world leaders who met in Britain last fall agreed that some form of international cooperation is also needed to coordinate these disparate regimes.

Although Congress has yet to achieve much on domestic AI legislation, the US role in passing the resolution could also help position the US as a leader on the issue on the international stage. President Biden's sweeping executive orders on technology have been slowly taking effect since last fall, but lawmakers in Washington have lagged behind their counterparts in Brussels when it comes to more specific legislation.

When Microsoft partnered with French AI startup Mistral last month, Jason Wong, distinguished vice president analyst at Gartner, noted that the decision was made amid a fragmented regulatory landscape around the world. .

He told us at the time that when you look at the regulatory landscape for AI, you're starting to see changes in each region, whether it's in Europe compared to North America or compared to Asia Pacific, Australia and New Zealand.

Global movements like the UN resolution could ultimately help close some of these gaps.




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