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Apple, Google and Meta targeted in EU's first digital market law investigation

Apple, Google and Meta targeted in EU's first digital market law investigation


Sylvia Jablonski, CEO and CIO of Defiance ETF, is responding to reports that Amazon and Google are tempering their generative AI expectations for Making Money.

Tech giants Apple, Google and Meta face potential hefty fines after being investigated by European Union antitrust regulators for allegedly violating the EU's landmark law aimed at boosting competition in the digital economy. There is.

The investigation into the Big Tech trio is the first under the provisions of the Digital Markets Act, which came into force on March 7. The rules require six designated “gatekeepers” who provide services such as search engines, social media networks and chat apps to: Guidance to help you level the playing field with your competitors and offer more choice to your users. Violations of the law can result in fines of up to 10% of a company's annual global turnover.

The European Commission's investigation examines Google's parent company Alphabet's rules for Google Play operations and self-prioritization in Google Search, Apple's rules for App Store operations and Safari user selection screens, and Meta's “payments'' rules. or the consent model.

“It is suspected that the measures taken by these gatekeepers fall short of effective compliance with their obligations under the DMA,” the commission said. The EU Enforcement Authority aims to complete its investigation within one year, which is the planned period for such surveillance activities in the DMA.

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European Commission officials have announced antitrust investigations into Google's parent company Alphabet, Apple and Facebook's parent company Meta. (Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP via Getty Images/Getty Images)

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, told FOX Business that its “ad-free subscription” service complies with a directive issued by the European Supreme Court last year and that data protection authorities in France, Denmark and Germany It said in a statement that it acknowledged the validity of the subscription service. A model for obtaining data consent.

“Subscriptions as an alternative to advertising is an established business model in many industries, and we designed ad-free subscriptions to address several overlapping regulatory obligations, including the DMA,” said Mehta. said in a statement provided to FOX Business. “We will continue to engage constructively with the committee.”

Ticker Security Last Change Change % AAPL APPLE INC. 170.85 -1.43 -0.83%GOOGL ALPHABET INC. 150.07 -0.70 -0.46%META META PLATFORMS INC. 503.02 -6.56 -1.29%

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Apple is under investigation regarding its App Store operating rules and the Safari browser's user selection screen. (Brent Lewin/Bloomberg via Getty Images/Getty Images)

An Apple spokesperson told FOX Business: “We are confident that our plans are DMA compliant and will continue to engage constructively with the European Commission as it conducts its investigation.” , regulatory compliance features, and tools. ”

“At the same time, we have introduced safeguards to reduce new risks to the privacy, quality and security of the EU user experience. Throughout, we have provided flexibility and support to the European Commission and developers. “We have demonstrated responsiveness, listened to their opinions, and incorporated their feedback,” Apple's statement concluded.

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Google is under investigation for its operating rules in the Google Play Store app marketplace and self-prioritization in Google search. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images / Getty Images)

Oliver Bethell, Google's director of competition, told FOX Business: “To comply with digital markets law, we have made significant changes to the way we operate our services in Europe. “We have been working with the European Commission, stakeholders and third parties on the event.” This past year, he has spent the past year receiving and responding to feedback and trying to balance conflicting needs within the ecosystem. In the coming months, we will continue to stick to our approach. ”

Additionally, the European Commission is taking steps to gather information about a possible investigation into Apple's new pricing structure for alternative app stores and Amazon's ranking practices in the marketplace. The government ordered gatekeepers to maintain certain documents to monitor enforcement of the law and compliance with obligations under the regulations.

Meta is under investigation for its “payment or consent model.” (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images / Getty Images)


An Amazon spokesperson told FOX Business that the company is “compliant with the Digital Markets Act and has been working constructively with the European Commission regarding our plans since the designation of our service. We continue to strive every day to meet the high standards of our customers.” In Europe's changing regulatory environment. ”

Reuters contributed to this report.




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