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Authorities warn tourists “don't rely solely on Google Maps” when traveling in outback Queensland

Authorities warn tourists “don't rely solely on Google Maps” when traveling in outback Queensland


In short: Outback authorities are concerned about the number of tourists who get lost or stranded in remote areas following directions from Google Maps. The unofficial tourist season begins over the Easter long weekend. What's next? They offer advice to explorers traveling the amazing world of the outback.

Outback explorers are keen to venture into Queensland's red belts, but authorities are concerned about inexperienced travelers relying too much on location mapping apps.

The Easter school holidays are the unofficial start of the inland tourism season, with tourism operators busy preparing for the influx of tourists.

The State Emergency Service (SES) in the western part of the state said its biggest concern was people going in the wrong direction while using location mapping apps.

“Particularly in rural and remote areas of south-west Queensland, you could be in for a world of pain,” regional controller John Wallace said.

John Wallace is concerned about the number of people who get lost or stuck following directions from Google Maps. (ABC Western Qld: Danielle Lancaster)

A close call incident in which a driver was misdirected by following Google Maps has hit the headlines.

Two German tourists wandered lost for several days after abandoning their car in the mud on the Cape York moors in February.

The city council and even local residents created signs to guide motorists who were misdirected by Google Maps.

Senior Constable Stephen Purcell, of Birdsville, said it was common for lost people to be found after taking a wrong turn.

He said rain earlier this week soaked parts of the Outback and the start of the season could pose further challenges.

“There are certainly some roads that are closed almost all year round due to flooding and damage, but Google Maps still directs people to those roads,” he said.

Here's what outback authorities want you to know before you hit the road.

plan ahead

The first tip for arriving safely at your destination is simple.

“What we would suggest is that you don't just rely on Google Maps,” said Senior Constable Purcell.

He said it's best to have a thorough plan before jumping into isolated areas.

“If you don’t know your way, give us a call here in Birdsville and we’ll keep you updated,” he said.


Wallace said it's best to refer to a physical map and learn as much information as possible about the area you're visiting.

And it's important to double-check your information.

“A lot of wells, especially in oil and gas fields, have names,” Wallace said.

“These are not station or property names. For someone new to the area, it can be very confusing.”

do not leave your car

It's a good idea to let someone know your departure time and estimated time of arrival at your destination. (ABC Western Qld: Danielle Lancaster)

If you find yourself lost or stranded in the backcountry, there is one golden rule to keep in mind.

“Everyone should know that the rule is to stay in the car,” said Wendy Sheehan, from Trinidad Station, northwest of Quilpie.

“If something happens and you can't get to where you're supposed to be, an air search is often required.”

The longtime outback local said it was much easier for search teams to find vehicles than people.

tell someone

Before you hit the road, it's a good idea to tell someone what time you're leaving and what time you plan to arrive.

“So if you're not there during that time, someone will call to find out where you are,” Wallace said.

Senior Constable Purcell said: “If we know where you're going, we'll find you a lot faster in this area.”

pack enough supplies

Check road conditions with local authorities before heading out. (Courtesy of Peter See)

The country is drenched in rain ahead of Easter, and road conditions are changing rapidly.

Rainy weather can cause road closures at any time of the year.

“If you get somewhere and the water is too high, you might want to go back, so you need plenty of fuel,” Sheehan said.

Fuel is not the only thing you need.

“Make sure your vehicle is serviced, your communications are established, your water and food are all life-sustaining necessities,” Wallace said.

Once you have taken all the necessary safety measures, remember to make the most of them.

“Channel Country is a beautiful place in the world, it's the furthest south-west, so enjoy it, but be safe,” Mr Wallace said.

Google said it aims to fix inaccurate digital maps as quickly as possible.

A spokesperson said drivers in rural areas are advised to exercise caution, always be aware of their surroundings, obey traffic regulations when in doubt and check signs on the roads and paths they are traveling on.

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