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Google Chrome adds V8 sandbox

Google Chrome adds V8 sandbox


April 8, 2024Newsroom Software Security / Cybersecurity

Google has announced support for the so-called V8 sandbox in its Chrome web browser to address memory corruption issues.

According to V8 Security technical lead Samuel Gro, the sandbox is intended to prevent “V8 memory corruption from spreading within the host process.”

The search giant described V8 Sandbox as a lightweight in-process sandbox for JavaScript and WebAssembly engines designed to mitigate common V8 vulnerabilities.

The idea is to limit the impact of V8 vulnerabilities by restricting the code executed by V8 to a subset of the process's virtual address space (the “sandbox”) and isolating it from the rest of the process.

A significant portion of the zero-day vulnerabilities that Google addressed from 2021 to 2023 were due to flaws affecting V8, with 16 security flaws discovered during this period.

“Because this primitive can be built from typical V8 vulnerabilities, the sandbox assumes that an attacker can arbitrarily and simultaneously modify memory within the sandbox address space,” the Chromium team said.

“Additionally, it is assumed that an attacker can read memory outside the sandbox, such as through hardware side channels. The sandbox protects the rest of the process from such an attacker. Therefore, memory outside the sandbox address space is considered a sandbox violation.”

Gro believes that “subtle logic issues” can be exploited to corrupt memory, so switching to memory-safe languages ​​like Rust or hardware memory-safe approaches like memory tagging can help. , highlighted the challenges of addressing V8 vulnerabilities. use-after-free, out-of-bounds access, etc.

“Nearly all vulnerabilities discovered and exploited in V8 today have one thing in common: the compiler and runtime operate (almost) exclusively on V8 HeapObject instances, so the final “Memory corruption inevitably occurs within the V8 heap,” Gro said.

Considering that these issues cannot be protected against with the same techniques used for general memory corruption vulnerabilities, the V8 Sandbox is designed to isolate heap memory in V8 and protect against memory corruption. Even if this occurs, you cannot escape security restrictions on other parts of the process. “memory.

This is achieved by replacing all data types that can access memory outside the sandbox with “sandbox compatible” alternatives, effectively preventing attackers from accessing other memory. Sandboxing can be enabled by setting 'v8_enable_sandbox' to true in the gn argument.

Speedometer and JetStream benchmark results show that this security feature adds approximately 1% overhead to typical workloads and can be enabled by default starting in Chrome version 123 and across Android, ChromeOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. I am.

“The V8 sandbox requires a 64-bit system because it requires a large amount of virtual address space to be reserved, currently 1 terabyte,” Gro said.

“Sandboxing is motivated by the fact that current memory safety techniques are largely inapplicable to optimizing JavaScript engines. These techniques cannot prevent memory corruption in V8 itself, but in practice V8 Sandboxing It allows you to protect your attack surface, so a sandbox is essential. It's a step toward memory safety.”

This development highlights the role that Kernel Address Sanitizer (KASan) plays in detecting memory bugs in native code and strengthening the security of Android firmware, with Google using compiler-based tools to detect over 40 bugs. This was done in response to the addition.

“Using KASan-enabled builds during testing and fuzzing helps discover memory corruption vulnerabilities and stability issues before they reach users' devices,” said Eugene Rodionov and Ivan Lozano from the Android team. ” states.

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