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Apple warns iPhone users of new spyware attack

Apple warns iPhone users of new spyware attack


Apple has issued a new spyware warning after it found that iPhone users in 92 countries were targeted by an attack. Apple users were informed about the attack via a notification email seen by Reuters.

In India and 91 other countries, victims of spyware attacks were informed that an enemy had attempted to compromise their iPhones remotely.

Apple has issued a new spyware alert after iPhone users in 92 countries were found to be infected with spyware. [+] Become a target of attack.

NurPhoto (from Getty Images)

Apple has detected that you are the target of a mercenary spyware attack that attempts to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with your Apple ID -xxx-, alerts you.

This attack may be specifically targeting you because of who you are or what you do. Although it is never possible to reliably detect such attacks, Apple has high confidence in this warning and should be taken seriously.

The new iPhone attack was apparently aimed at installing malicious software on the device to spy on users' data and location. According to an email sent by the iPhone maker, Apple has sent out such emails before and has issued multiple warnings to more than 150 countries starting in 2021.

Apple has not disclosed the origin of the attack, but spyware attacks are typical of nation-state actors. In 2021, Apple sued the Israeli company NSO Group for its involvement in attacks on iPhone users.

Why Apple Issues Regulatory iPhone Updates

Over the past few years, Apple has been issuing more and more iOS updates to address holes that could have been exploited by spyware attacks. Some of these come as emergency security updates, especially when iPhone flaws are already being used in attacks.

Spyware attacks are scary because the malware can be delivered in a so-called zero-click attack, which requires no interaction from the iPhone user. One example is malicious images that can be sent via iMessage or WhatsApp.

A successful iPhone spyware attack like this can give the attacker complete control of the device. Attackers can see everything on her iPhone's screen, allowing them to eavesdrop on calls, read emails, and even access apps like WhatsApp and Signal.

How to deal with new iPhone spyware alerts

As worrying as it may sound, spyware attacks target only a specific subset of users, typically journalists, political dissidents, government officials, and companies operating in a specific field. If this is the case, Apple has introduced a lockdown mode that can be used on his iPhone. Your iPhone will be less functional, but if you fall into this group and may be at risk, it's worth it.

These are likely highly targeted attacks against specific people, so average iPhone users don't need to worry too much, said Sean Wright, head of application security at Featurespace.

Still, he recommends that all iPhone users apply security best practices. Apply some due diligence to apps, including making sure they have the latest updates, only installing apps from trusted sources, and checking permissions.

Other tools, such as VPNs, may have limited benefits, Wright says. It mainly depends on where the attack comes from and how the new spyware behaves (such as whether it discards data before network traffic is sent or received).

Spyware has increasingly targeted iPhone users in recent years, with notable versions including Pegasus and more recently Reign.

Signs that your iPhone may be targeted by spyware include a slow device, rapid battery drain, and overheating. Apart from changes in the way your iPhone operates, orange or green dots can also indicate that your device has been hijacked. Apple shows an orange dot when the microphone is in use and a green dot when the camera is on. This may be legitimate if you're making phone calls or video calls, but if your iPhone isn't in use, you should look into it as soon as possible.

If you suspect that you have spyware on your iPhone, sometimes turning off your iPhone can temporarily suspend the malware.

If you receive a warning from Apple, contact the Amnesty International Security Lab. Amnesty International Security Lab provides digital forensic support to human rights defenders, activists, journalists and civil society members at risk.

If you are a member of civil society and have received a notification from Apple, you can contact us using the “Help” form to request forensic support, says a notice on Amnesty International's website. It is listed.

If you find spyware, experts recommend first backing up your iPhone to save evidence before taking any action.

experts give their opinions

As more experts weigh in on Apple's recent spyware warnings, Javad Malik, head of security awareness at KnowBe4, says the notice from Apple is particularly concerning given the scale and accuracy of this campaign. states that it should be done.

For a company like Apple, known for its robust security measures, to sound the alarm in 92 countries highlights not just the sophistication of the attackers, but their audacity, he said.

Malik says the phrase “mercenary spyware attack” is key. This is not about casting a wide net in hopes of catching unsuspecting users. That clear, sharp spear is aimed with precision using tools currently available to the highest bidder, regardless of motivation.

For this reason, Malik says it's especially important for people in positions of influence or who have access to sensitive information to be vigilant about digital security. He commends Apple for its proactive stance in notifying affected users and the broader public.

But Brian Higgins, a security expert at Comparitech, believes the iPhone maker should have provided more assistance to affected users. “Given how individual targets have been affected in previous incidents, it's a pretty disappointing sales move for Apple to direct you to a third-party, nonprofit security helpline. If you own a vulnerable platform, You would think they would suggest: Help yourself.”

Apply iOS updates to combat spyware

Overall, all iPhone users should make sure their iOS software is up to date. The latest version is iOS 17.4.1. Apple may also release new iOS updates that fix the holes used in this latest spyware attack. Or, the iPhone maker may have already applied a patch.

Updated April 12th at 7:30 a.m. ET. This article was first published on 04/11 at 7:31am EST. Updated to include more information and expert analysis on spyware detection and mitigation.




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