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Apple could push further AI with new M4 chip for Macs and iPads

Apple could push further AI with new M4 chip for Macs and iPads


Apple is preparing to further push artificial intelligence with its next-generation M-series chips for Mac computers and iPads, according to a new report. The chip, likely called M4, is expected to be released later this year.

Apple has included onboard “neural engines” in its chips for iPhones, iPads, and Macs for years, but Bloomberg reported Thursday that the company “highlighted the AI ​​processing capabilities” of its chips and added them to “what It is reported that they are planning to integrate it with the system. The next version of macOS. ”

Apple representatives did not respond to requests for comment.

Apple's move to focus on AI technology within its chips is not surprising. Since his startup OpenAI's ChatGPT launched in 2022, the tech industry has been realigning around AI-related booms in investments, product sales, and future technologies. At the time, there was a huge wave of interest in the company, resulting in over 100 million people taking on the challenge. The app was released in his two months and became one of the most successful products in the world. In response, companies like Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and many others are rapidly adding his AI capabilities to their products and services.

Read more: AI Atlas: A guide to today's artificial intelligence

Not to be outdone, chip and device manufacturers are also adding AI to their products. Qualcomm, Intel, and AMD are increasingly talking about how their chips can power AI tasks on smartphones, tablets, computers, and servers. Meanwhile, AI chip darling Nvidia is furthering its efforts to power the computers behind many AI technologies. As a result, the tech industry has over-marketed all the ways computers and devices can be connected to AI.

Meanwhile, millions of people continue to explore how these technologies will impact their work and daily lives. (See CNET's hands-on reviews of generative AI products like Gemini, Claude, ChatGPT, and Microsoft Copilot, as well as the new AI Atlas project for AI news, tips, and explanations.)

Apple's renewed focus on AI isn't just limited to its own chips. Apple is also reportedly planning a series of upgrades to its MacOS software for computers, as well as the iOS and iPadOS software that power iPhones and iPads, at the Worldwide Developers Conference starting June 10. The company has been tight-lipped about its plans, but rumors suggest the company will also highlight new AI capabilities in that case.

As for Apple's M4 chip, Bloomberg reports that Apple has no intention of upgrading all its computers at once. Rather, the M4 rollout is expected to take place over the next year or so, with a planned launch this fall.

Read more: iPhone AI evolution: What's rumored about iOS 18?

Editor's note: CNET used an AI engine to create dozens of stories and label them accordingly. The notes you are reading are attached to articles that substantively cover the topic of AI, all written by our expert editors and writers. Please see our AI Policy for more information.




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