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Google is all about advertising-worthy queries.

Google is all about advertising-worthy queries.


Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently discussed the future of search and acknowledged the importance of websites (good news for SEO). But if AI is supposed to make search engines (along with SEO) obsolete, how could it be?

Search vs Chatbot vs Generated Search

There's a lot of talk about AI search, but what's always missing is an explanation of what the phrase means.

There are three ways to think about what is being discussed.

Search engines Chatbots like Gemini and ChatGPT Generative Search (chatbots stacked on top of traditional search engines like and Bing) Traditional search is a misnomer

The word “misnomer” means an inaccurate name, description, or label given to something. Perhaps out of habit, we still talk about traditional search. The reality we must recognize is that traditional search no longer exists. Calling Google traditional search is a misnomer.

Sundar Pichai says Google has been using AI for years and we know this to be true thanks to systems like RankBrain, SpamBrain, Helpful Content System (aka HCU), and review systems. AI is involved in nearly every step of Google Search, from the backend to the frontend of search results.

Google's 2021 documentation on SpamBrain describes how AI is used at the crawling and indexing level.

“First, we have systems that can detect spam as we crawl pages and other content. …Some content that is detected as spam will not be added to the index.

These systems also work for content discovered through sitemaps and Search Console. …We know that spammers can hack into vulnerable sites, impersonate the owners of those sites, verify their identity in Search Console, and use tools to force Google to crawl the many spam pages they create. I have observed that users are requesting that they be indexed. Using AI, we were able to pinpoint suspicious verifications and prevent spam URLs from entering our index. ”

AI is involved from the indexing process to the ranking process and finally the search results themselves.

Google describes the latest March 2024 update as complex and is still not complete in April 2024. I suspect Google has moved to a more AI-friendly infrastructure to accommodate tasks such as AI signal integration that were previously associated with HCU. The review system is built directly into the core algorithm.

The future of AI search will summarize answers and people are panicking. Google already does that with Featured Snippets and Knowledge Graph search results.

Let's be real. Traditional search no longer exists. That's a misnomer. Google is more accurately described as his AI search engine, which is important to recognize. Because, as you'll soon see, this relates directly to what Sundar Pichai means when he talks about what his search will be in 10 years.

Blended hybrid search, also known as generative search

What people now call AI search is also a misnomer. A more accurate label is generative search. Bing and are generative AI chatbots stacked on top of the search index, with something in between that mediates between the two. Commonly referred to as Search Augmented Generation (RAG), it is a technology created by Facebook AI researchers in his 2020. .

See also: Google CEO talks about what search will look like in 10 years


There are a variety of chatbots, including ChatGPT and Gemini. There's no need to elaborate on this point.

Search vs. Generative Search vs. Chatbot: Who Wins?

Generative Search is a clumsy combination of a chatbot and a search engine, with a rather complex interface. It's annoying because it asks you to do your homework and gives you the phone number of a local restaurant, but both are mundane. But even if generative search improves, does anyone really want a search engine that can also write essays? These clumsily combined features will fall away and eventually become more similar to the Google that already exists. is almost a given.

Chatbots and search engines

This leaves chatbots and search engines for the foreseeable future. Sam Altman said AI chatbot searches that serve ads are dystopian.

Google is pursuing both strategies by building its Gemini AI chatbot into Android as an AI assistant that can make phone calls, call local restaurants, and suggest the best pizza in town. . CEO Sundar Pichai is on record as saying that the web is an important resource and that he wants to continue using it.

But without chatbots displaying ads, Google's ad revenue would drop significantly. Despite this, the SEO industry is convinced that SEO is dead as search engines are replaced by AI.

At some point, Google could make a lot of money from its cloud services and SaaS products, and if everyone moves to AI chatbots, they'll be able to move away from search-based ad revenue.

Ad-worthy queries

But if there's money in search ads, why not bother crawling the web, developing the technology, and monetizing it? Who leaves the money on the table? Not Google.

There is a search engine algorithm called Query Deserves Freshness. The algorithm determines whether a search query is trending or newsworthy and selects web pages about fresh, recently published topics.

Similarly, I believe that at some point chatbots will distinguish when a search query is worth advertising and switch to search results.

Google CEO Pichai refutes the SEO narrative about the decline and extinction of search engines. Pichai says the future of search will also include websites, because search requires the diversity of opinion that is inherent to the web. So where is this going?

Google Search already provides answers to queries about non-monetary information, such as weather and currency conversion. Google doesn't lose anything by displaying your informational queries with a chatbot, as these queries don't display ads.

However, for shopping and other transactional type search queries, the best solution is an ad-worthy query.

If a user asks a shopping-related search query, there will come a time when the chatbot “successfully” determines that the query is ad-worthy and switches to the search engine's inventory, which also includes ads.

This may explain why Google's CEO sees a future where the web coexists with AI, rather than being replaced by it. So, if you think about it, Query Deserves Advertising may be a way for search engines to maintain a profitable advertising business in the age of AI.

Read: Why Google SGE is staying at Google Labs and what's next

The query is worth searching

As an extension of this concept, you can think about search queries that need to display comparisons, user reviews, expert reviews, news, medical, financial, and other queries that require human input. These types of queries may also switch to search results. The results may differ from the current search results, but they are still the search results.

People love reading reviews, reading news, reading gossip, and other human-generated topics, and that's not going away. Insight matters. Individuality is important.

SEO worthy queries

Therefore, the knee-jerk reaction among SEOs that SEO is dead may be premature. We are still in its early stages, and as long as we can make money from search, there will still be a need for websites, search engines, and SEO.

Featured image by Shutterstock/Shchus




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