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How AI is paving the way for smoother roads using autonomous robots

How AI is paving the way for smoother roads using autonomous robots



Have you ever been in a situation where you were driving down the road enjoying a smooth ride and suddenly you hit a pothole? It shakes your car and makes it a never-ending battle against these road threats. Reminds me.

Well, that scenario may end soon. Technology company Robotiz3d is developing his three technologies as part of the Autonomous Road Repair System (ARRES).

Credit: Hertfordshire

ARRES Eye: Detecting surface problems

A key component of the system, ARRES Eye technology, is strategically installed in a variety of vehicles including buses, trucks and maintenance vehicles. As these vehicles pass through streets and urban environments, they carefully scan the road surface for signs of distress.

Credit: Hertfordshire

ARRES Eye leverages advanced imaging technology to identify surface issues such as cracks, potholes, and other damage. Identify exact locations, assess severity, and prioritize remediation tasks. The collected data is recorded in a central database for management.

Credit: Robotiz3d

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ARRES Prevent: Pothole prevention robot

ARRES Prevent combines artificial intelligence (AI) and unmanned robotic vehicles to tackle potholes head-on. The small electric robots, about the size of a small van, patrol roads day and night. It has self-driving capabilities and moves on roads alone or under remote human guidance.

Currently, waypoint navigation systems guide vehicles from point A to point B. Additional safety features include remote control, monitoring and shutdown.

When ARRES Prevent detects small cracks in the road surface, it instantly seals them using an innovative material. Preventing water from entering will prevent potholes from forming due to rain or frost. Real-time repair data is recorded for quality control to ensure effective maintenance. Remarkably, a prototype of the system successfully completed its first live trial in the UK.

This autonomous robot was developed by Robotiz3d. The University of Liverpool and Hertfordshire County Council Highways Engineers also collaborated on the project.

Credit: Hertfordshire

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ARRES Ultra: Taking road repair to the next level

Continuing its mission, Robotiz3d is developing ARRES Ultra, a rugged machine designed for larger-scale repairs. ARRES Ultra addresses larger surface cracks and fully grown potholes. Its capabilities include site preparation, precise filling of problem areas, and compaction of the repair surface for a seamless finish. Rigorous testing and refinement pave the way for full-scale production, promising a revolution in road maintenance.

Credit: Robotiz3d

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How robots promise to save you time and money

Potholes affect everyone, whether you ride a bicycle or drive a car. Traditional maintenance methods are expensive, labor-intensive, and downright dangerous for road workers. However, ARRES promises efficiency and cost savings. Nipping potholes in the bud could transform road maintenance across the UK and beyond.

Credit: Hertfordshire

How did pothole robots go from research to reality?

The University of Liverpool's School of Engineering laid the foundations for ARRES. After four years of dedicated research, a spin-out company, Robotiz3d, was born in 2020 to advance his vision of AI-driven robot maintenance. Innovate UK recognized its potential and provided funding in 2021 to drive ARRES from theory to practical application. Since then, other organizations have provided funding, including Horizon Europe, CERN, the UK Department for Transport (DFT) and the CAM UK programme.

Credit: Hertfordshire

Cart important points

As ARRES took its first steps onto the road, we witnessed a quantum leap forward in infrastructure management. With this AI-powered robot, potholes may soon become a thing of the past. Robotiz3d says this is a local innovation with global potential. So the next time you get in your car or bike, just remember that ARRES is working quietly behind the scenes to keep our roads smooth and safe.

Beyond potholes, what other infrastructure challenges do you think robotics could help solve? Let us know in the comments below.

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