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iOS 18Apple deals another blow to Google with bold AI privacy decisions

iOS 18Apple deals another blow to Google with bold AI privacy decisions


Apple just dealt another blow to archrival Google after making an AI decision that appeals to all iPhone users. According to Bloomberg's Mark Garman, Apple's iOS 18 AI features are fully functional on the iPhone and do not require cloud processing.

For those who value iPhone privacy, iOS 18's AI move is a big win, but not surprising given Apple's known focus on this area. It also sends a strong message to Apple's biggest rival, Google's Android, that the iPhone maker will do everything in its power to win in the increasingly competitive AI battleground.

If AI is the next privacy battleground, Apple's latest decision puts it on the line to win against AI. [+] Google's biggest smartphone rival. Here's what you need to know:

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Apple's iOS 18 is expected to be announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference in June, along with powerful new iPhone AI features such as enhanced Siri and automatic summaries. The iPhone maker also plans to reveal its AI strategy in more detail.

As the world waits for Apple to unveil AI at scale on June 10th, the first wave of features appears to run entirely on-device, Garman wrote. This means there is no cloud processing component in the large language model (LLM), the software that powers the new features.

It's a model that powers automatic summarization, a key part of Apple's AI strategy, and is expected to feature prominently at the iOS 18 launch.

Why on-device is better for iPhone privacy

On-device processing is much better than cloud. This is simply because the data doesn't leave your iPhone. Processing AI commands on-device means users can rest easy knowing their input requests are unlikely to be monitored and analyzed by his Apple or third parties. Jake Moore, Global Cybersecurity Advisor at ESET, said:

However, Apple AI features in iOS 18 and later require significant data processing power. The iPhone maker is investing more in hardware that can host AI, and it looks like the iPhone 16 will come with an enhanced neural engine. Moore says the next generation of iPhones will be more powerful than before and can clearly handle these larger demands.

And when AI requests are generated in the cloud, the potential for data collection and misuse by owners of large language models is much greater, Moore says. Apple believes that as all devices become more powerful over time, on-device AI will likely become the norm, especially for users who value privacy.

Apple vs. Google AI privacy battleground

The AI ​​battleground is heating up, and as iOS 18 is announced in June, it's clear that Apple is considering privacy as an area where it can help win. And Apple's iOS 18 AI move is a clear blow to Google and Android devices in general.

However, Android Authority said it will be difficult to run an LLM similar to ChatGPT without additional cloud support, and some of Samsung's and Google's most sophisticated AI features still require the power of cloud servers. It is pointed out that there is.

According to Android Authority, Samsung's Galaxy AI includes some offline features for a hybrid AI approach, while Google's Gemini Nano AI model is intended for on-device use.

If the iPhone maker can achieve this with iOS 18, an on-device-only approach will definitely set Apple apart. Of course, it helps that Apple owns the hardware, software, and platform, but it's likely that at least some features will be implemented. Limited to iPhone16.

The next 12 months will be critical for Apple, which has overtaken iPhone maker Samsung as the world's largest smartphone maker. According to a study by analyst IDC, Apple's smartphone shipments fell by about 10% in the first quarter of 2024 as Samsung surged to a 20.8% market share.

Against this backdrop of uncertainty, Apple's AI capabilities in iOS 18 are necessary to set the iPhone maker apart, and Apple needs to be confident that its devices can withstand the pressure to enhance AI LLM. there is. However, Apple can change its mind at any time and give users the option to give up a little privacy for additional AI features in the future starting with iOS 18.




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