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Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: The biggest differences you can expect

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: The biggest differences you can expect


Die-hard Pixel fans have a lot to look forward to this fall, when Google's latest smartphones are expected to be announced. There's still a long way to go until that launch event, but a comparison of the Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8 will give you a good idea of ​​what improvements the new smartphones will make worth the wait.

Google has certainly enhanced the Pixel 8 by introducing practical features powered by artificial intelligence, so we wonder if that will be a continuing storyline for the Pixel 9. But there are potentially more than two big changes in store for this year's Pixel 9 lineup. Later this year he will launch three new his Pixel smartphones.

Rumors suggest a Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pixel 9 Pro XL, but the latter is causing a bit of confusion since Google has a track record of releasing two flagship devices instead of three. Nevertheless, the Pixel 9 is likely to be a direct successor to his Pixel 8. We break down all the features you can expect to come with the next Pixel and how it compares to the current model.

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: Specifications Swipe to scroll horizontally Rows 0 – Cells 0 Google Pixel 9 (rumored) Google Pixel 8 Starting price $699 $699 Screen size 6.03 inches 6.2 inches Refresh rate 120Hz 120Hz Maximum brightness N/A 1,400 nitCPUTensor G4Tensor G3 Storage 128GB, 256GB128GB, Rear camera 50MP main, 12MP ultrawide 50MP main, 12MP ultrawide Front camera 13MP10.5MP Battery size N/A4,575 mAhGoogle Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: Release date and price

(Image credit: @OnLeaks)

Google launched the Pixel 8 last fall during its October Pixel event, with a starting price of $699 for the base model. Three different color options were available at launch (Hazel, Obsidian, and Rose), but a Mint He color option was later added, bringing the total to four color options.

It seems likely that the Pixel 9 will be launched at a separate event later this year, well after Google I/O 2024 in June, around the same time. And we expect the same color options as before.

For now, there's no hint as to how much the Pixel 9 will cost, but it's likely to stay at the same price as before, $699. Now, with the possibility of a third Pixel model coming out, Google may be forced to reconsider its mobile phone pricing.

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: Design and display

(Image credit: 91Mobiles/OnLeaks)

One of the biggest changes to the Pixel 9's design may be the smaller screen. This may seem unbelievable given that new phones often extend the line by offering slightly larger displays, but that may not be the case with the Pixel 9.

Why? Now, the reveal of his third model in the lineup may cause Google to reconsider the size of each Pixel model. The Pixel 9 is expected to follow in the same footsteps as the Pixel 8, so the screen should be the smallest. Leaked images purporting to be the Pixel 9 show a familiar design, but instead of the Pixel 8's rectangular camera notch, it appears to have a more rounded back.

Additionally, leaked renders show that the Pixel 9 is expected to feature a 6.03-inch display. This makes it smaller than his current 6.1-inch screen on the Pixel 8. Even with a smaller screen, the Pixel 9 could offer a more appealing screen by improving on the Actua Display technology introduced in the Pixel 8. This allows the phone's screen to reach a peak brightness of 1,349 nits in our tests.

Aside from the display and camera cutouts on the back, the metal-trimmed bezel looks flatter on the Pixel 9, rather than the rounded edges on the Pixel 8.

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: Camera

(Image credit: Tom's Guide)

Details on the Pixel 9's camera specs are still unknown, with the only meaningful rumor regarding a third camera lens on the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro XL. At the very least, we expect a similar 50MP main and 12MP ultrawide arrangement on the Pixel 9. Usually, even though there are still a few months until the announcement, we hear some useful information about the camera, but so far it's all quiet on the Pixel 9 front.

Nevertheless, there's plenty of time between now and fall launch for everything, including larger sensors that let in more light and perhaps other new pixel binning techniques that could offer optical-quality zoom on the main camera. there is. On the other hand, a new AI editing feature is expected, similar to the Magic Editor feature that Google added in the last Pixel update.

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: Performance

(Image source: Google)

There was no hiding the poor performance of the Pixel 8's Tensor G3 chip. Notably, it outperformed major rivals like the iPhone 15 and Samsung Galaxy S24 in many of our own benchmark tests (still, we found the Pixel 8's gameplay performance to be silky-smooth and fluid) ) is responsive). This means that expectations are rising that his Pixel 9, probably powered by Tensor G4, will be closer to the top of its class. .

Sure, it would be great if Tensor G4 could outperform the competition, but we suspect it will be heavily optimized around the Pixel 9's AI-powered features. We've seen how the Pixel 8's Tensor G3 effectively handles AI features like Audio Magic Eraser and Magic Editor locally. So the new batch of AI features expected to come with the Pixel 9 shouldn't change that.

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: Software

(Image credit: Future)

Leading the way, the Pixel 8 was the device that brought AI into the mainstream of today's mobile phones. Best of all, they were actually practical and served a purpose, so they weren't fancy at all. Take, for example, the Pixel 8's updated call screen feature. This allows Google Assistant to act like a person who can take calls on your behalf.

These AI features were prioritized over the rest of Android 14 on Pixel 8, but things may change with Android 15 and should debut on Pixel 9. Android 15 is still in its early stages and is currently in beta. But it won't be long before it's previewed at Google I/O.

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: Battery

Battery life could have a big impact on whether the Pixel 9 design changes ultimately come to fruition. This is because the Pixel 8 has a 4,785 mAh battery, while the Pixel 9 may have a smaller screen, which could affect the battery size.

Capacity is by no means a measure of the length of battery life, but a larger determining factor may depend on Tensor G4's power efficiency. There are no rumors about the Pixel 9's battery, so we expect the capacity to be somewhat similar to the Pixel 8, but we wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be slightly less. No matter what happens, the Pixel 9 is going to need some serious durability if it's going to have the best battery life for a phone.

Google Pixel 9 and Pixel 8: What's next?

(Image credit: 91Mobiles/OnLeaks)

It's still very difficult to say for sure how much better the Pixel 9 is compared to the Pixel 8. Without details on camera, battery, and AI capabilities, there's still plenty of time for Google to widen the gap between the two. And of course, we want to know if the price of the Pixel 9 will remain the same.

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