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Dealing with unapproved peripherals on consoles — Overwatch 2 — Blizzard News

Dealing with unapproved peripherals on consoles — Overwatch 2 — Blizzard News


Hello everybody! Senior Game Producer Adam Massey and Lead Gameplay Engineer Daniel Raza will be filling in for Aaron this week. We were going to share an update on the Fair He play for console players in Overwatch 2 regarding the issue of unapproved peripherals.

What is an unauthorized peripheral?

Our goal is to make Overwatch 2 a great experience no matter what platform you play it on. The game feels most comfortable when the matches are close and competitive and everyone plays on a level playing field. To accomplish this, we've tailored the gaming experience on consoles by adding console-specific features such as aim assist. Aim Assist helps bridge the gap between mouse and controller aiming accuracy.

Unfortunately, some console players use devices that allow them to use the mouse and keyboard, tricking the console into thinking the input is coming from a controller. Some people use different peripherals for accessibility purposes, while other players take advantage of Aim His Assist while using peripherals that are not meant to benefit from this feature. For our purposes, we refer to these devices as unauthorized peripherals.

Today we were going to look at how to detect the use of unauthorized peripherals and the steps that can be taken to level the playing field for all players.

Detection of unauthorized peripherals

Understanding which players were using unapproved peripherals was a challenge for us to overcome. These devices are designed to prevent consoles from recognizing them, and often have anti-detection features designed to make them even harder to catch. We carefully study these devices and have high confidence in our ability to detect who is using them.

We won't go into detail about how exactly these devices are detected, but we can say that detection has already been in place for multiple seasons and is passively collecting data for analysis. Now that you have collected the necessary data, you can finally plan how to deal with the use of these unapproved peripherals.

Based on data from the past few seasons, the use of unauthorized peripherals is very prominent in high-rank play, typically occurring at the highest Grand Master and Champion ranks, but also at Bronze and Platinum ranks. The use of unapproved peripherals between the two was extremely rare. Therefore, the actions we take are primarily aimed at ensuring fair play in the upper ranks.

A quick disclaimer for those with accessibility needs: It's important to us to make Overwatch 2 accessible to as many players as possible, and for a small number of players, the use of unapproved peripherals is important to us. We would like you to be aware that it may be an essential component of Controller setup. We've made every effort to ensure that players who require accessibility are less likely to trigger detection. When we detect players with accessibility needs, we've adjusted our actions to help these players continue playing Overwatch 2.

Remove unauthorized peripherals from competitive play

Starting with Season 11, players detected using unapproved peripherals on their consoles will be subject to two levels of action.

When a player is detected for the first time, they will be restricted from console matches for one week. During this time, players will continue to have access to Quick He Play, and once they cease using unauthorized peripherals, the restrictions will eventually expire and they will be able to resume competitive play.

However, continued use of unapproved peripherals will not only limit players from competing on console, but will also force them to play with other mouse and keyboard players when playing in Quick Play throughout the season. Masu. Additionally, these players will no longer have access to the aim assist feature. You are welcome to continue playing Overwatch 2, but you will be playing against players who use similar control settings to you.

take immediate action

What happens if I use unauthorized peripherals before Season 11? Over the coming weeks, we'll be issuing permanent bans to players who abuse the most severe unauthorized peripherals. . These actions will target high-ranking players who have been reported by others and our data clearly shows are using unapproved peripherals. According to Blizzard's In-Game Code of Conduct, automating any aspect of a game or engaging in any activity that gives you an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

For console players who use these unapproved peripherals and don't want their accounts banned, the only way to avoid these bans is to stop using them now. There are no other warnings.

The future of console mice and keyboards

We are aware that many players use unapproved peripherals simply to enable their overall preferred input device. So we started discussing whether we could add official mouse and keyboard support to consoles in a way that wouldn't give these players an unfair advantage over their controller counterparts. Currently, for Competitive, a console player plays in a separate pool from her PC. Therefore, to allow console players who want to legally use a mouse and keyboard to be able to play in competitive matches only with other mouse and keyboard users, without the benefit of Aim Her Assist.

final thoughts

We're committed to making Overwatch 2 a fair game for everyone, regardless of the platform you play on or the input device you use. These changes are a step in the direction of leveling the playing field for all players. We continue to evolve our detection and countermeasures against unauthorized peripherals and other means of illegal play. Stay tuned to see how our efforts evolve in future Defense Matrix updates! Thanks for reading! Let's make great games.




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