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OBS, WBD, NBC reveal AI technology used at Olympics | News

OBS, WBD, NBC reveal AI technology used at Olympics | News


Olympic Broadcast Services, Warner Bros. Discovery and NBC have unveiled a range of AI-powered technologies that will be used to broadcast the 2024 Paris Olympic Games this summer.

The trio, led by OBS CEO Yannis Exarchos, WBD President and Managing Director UK & Ireland and Sport Europe, and NBC Olympic Production Executive Producer and President Molly Solomon, will speak at the IOC's Olympic AI Agenda event Did. April 19th, Lee Valley Velopark, Stratford. You can watch the entire two-hour event below.

Revealing that OBS has been working with AI tools since 2018, Exarchos said: “We are working with our partner Intel and, for the first time in Paris, we are providing a platform that broadcasters can use at their disposal. ” said. Generates extremely fast and customizable highlights. [customised] By country, by sport, etc.

Georgiou believes this can go even further, and he can eventually imagine a world where: [you can] If you join a soccer match midway through and say to your device, “Show me the goal and the key moments of the first half,” a narrated highlights package will be automatically generated within seconds.

He further added, “If that sounds a bit fancy, it's not, because we already use technology in our editing workflows, and ultimately to create opportunities like that. “Because we're creating a base cut of editorial highlights that we can use,” he added.

Mr. Solomon revealed that he plans to use the automated highlights that OBS offers in Paris. He was also very focused on personalization and customization for fans. Imagine coming to your home, saying what you want to see, and it appearing right away.

She added, “Currently we only manually tag gold medals, world records, and emotions, but we really think these AI tools can further enhance the video production process.” I did. This provides specialized footage that can be used very quickly and a customized service for the viewer.

Georgiou said another area where AI could be used is in dubbing and translating commentary that wouldn't otherwise exist. One of our biggest challenges is language customization. This is because there are 3,800 hours of live competition. It will be held in 47 different markets, in 19 different languages, and can host 30 simultaneous events at once.

He added: “We employ 400 commentators, but even with those 400 commentators, they can't comment on every minute of the tournament.” So how can we use technology to enhance translation and further localize content in areas where we can't or can't afford to do it logistically? How can we get more commentators in other areas? ?

Exarchos cited archives as another area that could be affected. The IOC is already working with Alibaba to colorize and tag its archives, he said. This will be very important in the future. Because we believe this will make the Olympic legacy more accessible to an even wider audience throughout the year.

While discussing these changes, all three expressed their belief that humans will continue to be important to the production process. “Everything we saw today makes us very excited about all these AI tools,” Solomon said. It can enrich our presentation, but it must be balanced with human oversight.

We need to protect our intellectual property rights. We need to protect ourselves from prejudice and protect jobs. Therefore, we must continue to value human expertise, ingenuity, and ethical leadership.

Georgiou agreed, adding: “We do not believe that AI can replace the creative process.” It is a tool that supports and inspires the creative process, but it does not replace it. Our obligation as companies and as an industry is how to retrain people.

Exarchos concluded: For me, the opportunity with AI is not about taking away jobs. It's actually about giving people more opportunities to do more interesting things. As has happened with other major technological changes, technology usually proves to actually create demand for new talent rather than actually eliminating jobs.

Image: IOC/Greg Martin




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