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Google Pixel 9 Pro could be iPhone 16 Pro's worst nightmare – here's why

Google Pixel 9 Pro could be iPhone 16 Pro's worst nightmare – here's why


If current rumors about multiple Pixel 9 Pro models are to be believed, Google's Pixel Pro lineup could expand later this year. And that could really hurt Apple.

For those who haven't been up to date on the Pixel 9, leaked renders show that Google is gearing up for a release this fall after years of producing a single large-screen Pro model. It has been suggested that two different Pixel Pro models are in the works. Instead, his Pixel 9 Pro appeared with a 6.1-inch screen, and in the second version he received a 6.7-inch display. That model appears to be called Pixel 9 Pro XL.

Aside from differences in screen size (and perhaps battery size), the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro XL have a lot in common, including the telephoto lens that distinguishes the Pro edition of Google's flagship smartphone from the standard model. And that's where Apple and its iPhone Pro models come into play.

Now, in the larger scheme of things, Apple doesn't seem to care what Google does with its flagship phones. The iPhone maker has the largest share of the U.S. smartphone market so far, while Google's share remains in the single digits. No matter what features or enhancements Apple adds to its phones, they probably weren't made with his Pixel in mind.

Maybe it should be, but only a little. With apologies to Samsung and its Galaxy S lineup, Google's Pixel phone is probably the closest thing to challenging Apple's position as the maker of the best camera phones. Indeed, both Google and Apple excel at computational photography and photo processing, as you can see by comparing images taken with a Pixel and an iPhone. In terms of photography, there is little difference between these phones.

Small things can make a big difference in camera phone comparisons, like a second Pixel Pro model with a telephoto lens. Especially if these Pixel models cost less than Apple's iPhone Pro products.

(Image credit: Future)

Currently, the Pixel 8 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro have the same starting price of $999. We haven't heard many rumors about the Pixel 9's price, but you'd think the smaller Pixel 9 Pro model would cost less.

If Google were to sell the smaller Pixel 9 Pro for $899 or even $799, it wouldn't be the only Android flagship phone with a telephoto lens and a lower starting price than the iPhone 15 Pro. The Galaxy S24 and OnePlus 12 both feature unique telephoto lenses and cost $799. (If you trade in your phone when you buy the OnePlus 12, you can get the device for $699.)

That's the problem for Apple. The more options you have that offer the same features as you at a lower price, the more likely some people will start trying those alternatives.

Of course, Apple reportedly has some tricks up its sleeve when it comes to future camera phones.

Of course, Apple reportedly has some tricks up its sleeve when it comes to future camera phones. This fall's iPhone 16 Pro update could give that model the same tetraprism telephoto lens that Apple added with last year's iPhone 15 Pro Max release. That means the iPhone 16 Pro's 5x optical zoom will be upgraded, potentially making it a more attractive option than cheaper camera phones. Other camera improvements, such as a 48MP ultra-wide-angle lens, are also hinted to be included in the iPhone 16 Pro.

That's only if you take the camera into account. Apple may give the iPhone 16 Pro an even bigger screen (6.3 inches, according to rumors). This means you have more screen real estate to edit all the images you capture with upgraded camera optics. It is rumored that the addition of AI in the iOS 18 software update may also enhance the iPhone's photo editing capabilities. Well, Apple isn't about to cede the camera phone race to Google just because of the arrival of his more affordable Pixel Pro.

All in all, it's an exciting time for mobile photography. When category leaders like Apple and Google try to make these kinds of changes to their phones, it's easy to see how important camera features have become in convincing people to buy a particular phone. .

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